C.A.R Released the following information last night to REALTORS®. CAR attorneys are looking into what it means when it comes to hosting open houses. The links in this email raise questions including how these changes apply to San Diego County, the use of the PEAD, registrations, maintaining physical distance, and much more. Give your broker some time to look into this. The information was released, now the attorneys and brokers need to figure out what it means.
The California Dept. of Public Health has just updated its guidance on open houses, and further updates are pending. The following is now on live on the COVID-19.ca.gov website. C.A.R. will be providing more details regarding this guidance so that REALTORS® are in full compliance, but the following is the information currently on the California State official website:
Shown properties, like open houses – effective immediately In-person showings of properties, like open houses, are permitted and must follow the indoor gatherings capacity limits in the CDPH gatherings guidance. Check the Attendance section of the gatherings guidance for the capacity limits for each tier.
People who feel sick or have COVID-19 symptoms are not permitted to attend. The physical distancing between different households must be maintained, and hand sanitizer should be made available. Face coverings are required. See the CDPH guidance for the use of face coverings for complete details and exceptions. All other restrictions in the real estate guidance remain in place.
Market Information,