Richard D'Ascoli

Richard D'Ascoli
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Paragon NOW Combines MLS & Tax Records in Search.

Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on Jun 3, 2020 7:00:00 AM


Paragon received some new enhancements! (Due to Tech difficulties portions of this Upgrade have temporarily been delayed)

Changes include new integrations with CRS Tax, new system feature tours, and more. Read the CRMLS Knowledgebase article for a full list of updates. Here are three impact-full changes:

Display Public Records with Listings on Map
A new Premium Tax feature has been added, called Integrated Search, that gives users the ability to display both listings and public records that meet the same criteria on a single Map View.

Display Public Records with Listings on Map

CRS Data Property Report from Property Watch and Alerts
When the developers of Paragon introduced Property Watch, it lacked the ability to link to the CRS Data Property Report from the property panel that displays next to the Property Watch and Alerts grids. This feature has now been added.

CRS Data Property Report from Property Watch and Alerts

Tours of New System Features and Enhancements
Take a mini walk-through of new Paragon features and enhancements. The tour will pop up in Paragon automatically at selected features. Page through the tour or select Remind Me Later to view on your next visit to the page.

Tours of New System Features and Enhancements

A full list of changes is available on the CRMLS Knowledgebase. Click here to see the updates.


Topics: Brokers/Managers, CRMLS, Marketing

Now you can Market On Hold (or) without a listing contract.  Really?

Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on May 29, 2020 2:00:17 PM

Yes, Really!  Marketing Prior to a securing a listing agreement.


The CRMLS Board of Directors made a rules change this week.  The added language is in red below. Read it closely because the change is more significant than it may look at first glance. 

7.9 Mandatory Submission upon Marketing. Within one (1) business day of marketing or advertising a residential property to any member of the public, for sale which contains one to four units, or is a residential vacant land lot which is subject to any exclusive right to sell or seller reserved listing agreement, the Listing Broker must submit the property into the MLS for cooperation with other CRMLS participants. Marketing and advertising includes but is not limited to, any information about the property or its availability for sale displayed on any: signs, websites, social media, brokerage or franchise-operated websites, communications (verbal or written), multi-brokerage or franchise listing sharing networks, flyers or written material, or on any applications available to the public, or by conducting an open house. Any individual or entity that has signed within the previous year a Disclosure Regarding Real Estate Agency Relationship form in compliance with CA Civil Code section 2079.16 that identifies the Listing Broker shall not be considered a “member of the public” under this rule.  

The change is to Rule 7.9, “Mandatory Submission Upon Marketing.” This rule governs listing brokers’ submission of properties into the MLS. The previous version of this rule detailed how within one business day of marketing a property to the public, the listing broker must submit the property into the MLS. 

This new version makes clear that the listing broker must submit a property into the MLS within one day of marketing only if an exclusive listing contract exists.  If there is no contract, agents can talk about the listing that they "may secure."  Agents should use caution when discussing a listing prior to securing a listing contract.  The listing still remains open for a competitor to list with.  

The San Diego Old Paragon doesn't have "Hold" Yet.  Can I market a property when it's "Withdrawn?" 

The answer is YES!  The definition of the Withdrawn status does state that a property cannot be marketed or advertised, while remaining in our "old Paragon" system. But CRMLS will not be enforcing that aspect of the Rule until we actually get the CRMLS "Hold" status that is enjoyed by CRMLS Matrix users. CRMLS will allow marketing and advertising to occur the same as Hold listings in Matrix. A property in the status of "Withdrawn" can be marketed and advertised but cannot be shown.

The Withdrawn status in San Diego Paragon allows you to temporarily remove your listing from an “Active” status, without having to cancel it. This feature will allow you to place your listing in Withdrawn for a specified period of time. Marketing and Advertising as defined in Rule 7.5.1 is permitted. However, no showings are allowed, consistent with Rule 9.8.

To update your listing’s status to Withdrawn, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Navigate to your listings by clicking on the Listings tab and clicking on Maintain Listings.


Step 2: Enter the MLS#, then click Go, or, enter the property address, then click Search. In the search results, click on the listing’s MLS# or Select an Action, then click on Maintain Listing.


Step 3: Update the status to Withdrawn Then click Save Listing.




Topics: Education, Brokers/Managers, CRMLS

For a safer client environment - Virtual Meetings - At No Cost

Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on May 20, 2020 2:57:47 PM

Looking for ways to make your client feel safer throughout the buy/sell process?  By this time, most everyone is familiar with virtual meeting applications such as Zoom, Google Meet, Webex and the like.   But they require downloading their software utilities and managing accounts on their systems.

There is an alternative tool with which you may not be aware—zipConsult®, available within zipForm Plus®. With zipConsult®, you can conduct online meetings with your clients to review contracts, conduct virtual tours, go over required paperwork prior to sending documents for signatures, or simply to stay connected.  And the best feature - it’s already in your technology toolbox if you are a San Diego county realtor and a PSAR member!

The great thing about this program is that it resides inside Zipforms Plus®, so working with documents is easier. And you can host conference calls and meetings with multiple clients in multiple locations at the same time. 

Here are some of the feature/functions of zipConsult:

  • Share your screen with clients online and review zipForm transactions: Once the meeting begins simply start screen sharing and display the document you’d like to share – it’s that easy. For further privacy, the screen sharing feature allows you to share only a specific application (program). The rest of your desktop will be hidden from the attendees’ view.
  • Meet faster-- invite attendees utilizing saved contacts in your zipForm address book: zipConsult is integrated directly with zipForm Plus, so starting a meeting online is simple and quick. Select clients from the address book with no typing then connect, communicate and review faster than ever.

  • Plan meetings and schedule them in advance: Within the advanced options the Schedule a Meeting option allows you to setup the date, time, and attendees in advanced. Also included in this interface is an email message editor to craft the personal invite that your attendees will receive.

  • Video conferencing allows face to face client meetings online: Add a personal touch to meetings with a webcam. When you share your webcam feed it’s like being there in person. Up to six people can video conference at once

  • Conference calling and text chat keep participants engaged: Your zipConsult account includes a conference call number with PIN codes, so participants can join by phone or computer mic and speakers. Encourage engagement with easy communication via easy conference calling and text chat.

  • Meeting Notes: Keep detailed notes during the meeting for later review or reference. Notes can be kept private or public. Upon the conclusion of the meeting all notes can be emailed to attendees to share the results of the meeting or assigning follow up tasks.

  • Create unlimited online meetings: Feel free to explore the value of meeting with clients online. Review zipForm transactions, review property disclosures, or discuss aspects of the transaction process.

So enhance your clients’ sense of well-being while at the same making your own virtual activities more efficient cost-free!  Just contact CAR to find out how to get started with zipConsult.

Don't want to watch the video?  Check out the slide deck here.

Not sure how  to use this?  Check how Realtor Wes Young used zipConsult on a transaction.


Topics: Education, Technology, PSAR Benefits

New Coming Soon Status May 19th!

Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on May 15, 2020 7:00:00 AM

The Coming Soon status launches in San Diego Paragon Tuesday, May 19th. From that day forward, when entering listings for sale in San Diego Paragon, you may choose between Active and Coming Soon.

To prepare for this launch, Paragon will undergo scheduled maintenance from 10:00 PM PT Monday, May 18th to 6:00 AM PT on Tuesday, May 19th – a total of eight hours. Paragon will be unavailable during this time.

CRMLS prepared a video to help you understand the details of this status. Click below to watch.



How does Coming Soon work?

Coming Soon allows listing agents to take up to 21 days to stage the property, take interior photos, prepare it for showings, and so on, without Days on Market accruing.

How is Coming Soon similar to Active?

  • Marketing is allowed in both statuses, so long as Coming Soon listings are clearly marked as Coming Soon.
  • Both Coming Soon and Active listings are fully displayed to other professional users of MLS systems.
  • The listing agent offers a commission on both Coming Soon and Active listings.

How is Coming Soon unique?

  • Coming Soon listings have limited distribution: they will not go out from the MLS to portals like Zillow, Trulia, and, or to IDX broker and agent websites.
  • Showings are not permitted in Coming Soon.
  • Because of these limitations, Days on Market do not count in Coming Soon.

Listing input for Coming Soon in Paragon will look like this:

unnamed (2)


FAQ on Coming Soon Status

  1. Will Registered and Coming Soon listings appear in portals like Zillow, Trulia, and No.
  2. Who can see listings in the “Coming Soon” status? All CRMLS users.
  3. Why are there no showings while a listing is in Coming Soon status?  There are no showings under Coming Soon status because marketing and showing a property means it is actively on the market, and it is not “coming soon” to the market. Showings are contrary to the stated purpose of Coming Soon, which is to prepare the property for “full marketing.
  4. What is the reason for the change in statuses? Registered status has been developed as an alternative to the current exclusion form process. This change simplifies workflow while at the same time satisfying the requirements of the longstanding mandatory delivery rule. Coming Soon is being introduced in response to a demand for time to get a property ready for full marketing while not accruing Days on Market.
  5. What does the CRMLS coming soon form look like?  Take a look here:

This new "Coming Soon" status is an important component needed in order to make compliance of NAR's Clear Cooperation Policy.  




Topics: Brokers/Managers, CRMLS

DRE canceling salesperson and broker exams

Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on May 14, 2020 12:05:49 PM

The Department of Real Estate (DRE) is canceling real estate salesperson and broker license exams in all exam centers through May 31, 2020. This action is being taken to comply with state and local public health agencies ordering residents to shelter in place to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Examinees affected by these cancellations will be allowed to reschedule their canceled exam dates using DRE’s eLicensing system. Exam rescheduling fees will be waived for canceled exams.
Examinees with questions or concerns regarding canceled exams can contact DRE’s Licensing program at (877) 373-4542 or by email at

Some Q&A from the DRE website:

If my exam is canceled, how do I reschedule it?
All examinees can reschedule canceled exams using our eLicensing system for free. If you do not have an eLicensing account, you can easily create one on our website.

If the county I live in has issued a shelter in place order, can I reschedule my exam date?
Yes. If the city or county issues a shelter in place order, your exam will be canceled and an email notification will be sent to you. Be sure to check your spam or junk email folders. When an exam is canceled, examinees are placed in a "self-schedule" status on eLicensing, which allows them to reschedule for free.

My real estate license will be expiring soon. What is the best way for me to complete my renewal?
The secure eLicensing online system offers expedited processing of salesperson, broker, and officer license renewals any time or day of the week. eLicensing is easy to use, paperless and interactive. Licensees enter information needed for license renewal into eLicensing, including the course number and completion date of continuing education courses taken. If continuing education is required, then Continuing Education Requirements must be completely satisfied in order to renew through eLicensing. Acceptable methods of payment include VISA, MasterCard, and American Express credit cards or debit cards bearing a VISA or MasterCard logo.

Unfortunately, officers renewing after the license expiration date and all restricted licensees cannot use eLicensing. Those renewal applications must be submitted by mail to the Department of Real Estate, P.O. Box 137003, Sacramento, CA 95813-7003.

Remember, you may use eLicensing or submit your renewal application 90 days prior to your license expiration date. Your renewal is on-time if your eLicensing transaction is completed or your application is postmarked before midnight on your license expiration date. If you submit your renewal on-time, Business and Professions Code Section 10156.2 permits you to continue operating under your existing license after its expiration date unless notified otherwise by the DRE.

How do I complete continuing education for my license renewal when I have been ordered to shelter in place?
Licensees can take continuing education courses by various means, including by correspondence or distance learning. Correspondence courses include courses offered online or by mail. You can search here for a list of continuing education courses that are offered by correspondence.

Please remember that continuing education courses follow strict regulations with regards to the amount of time required to be spent on a course and spacing of the final exams. See Continuing Education Regulations (RE 312) for additional information.

California Department of Real Estate.


Topics: Announcements, CRMLS, Industry

Governor Releases Industry Guidance on Real Estate Transactions

Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on May 7, 2020 6:57:26 PM

Today, May 7th, Governor Newsom released updated industry guidance to begin reopening with modifications that reduce risk and establish a safer environment for workers and customers. This guidance includes, among other things, information pertaining to real estate transactions.  Use these guidelines to responsibly plan and reopen for business.

The California Department of Real Estate advises all licensees to review the newly posted "COVID-19 Industry Guidance for Real Estate Transactions" and "COVID-19 General Checklist for Real Estate Transactions" found in the links below.

The Resilience Roadmap is a plan for modifying the statewide stay at home order to gradually reopen. When modifications are advanced and the state’s six indicators show we’ve made enough progress, we can move to the next stage of the roadmap. We are now moving into Stage 2, where some lower-risk workplaces can gradually open with adaptations.

This Guidance for Real Estate Document  provides guidance for businesses operating in the real estate industry including sales and rentals of single-family, multi-family, apartment, commercial, and industrial properties to support a safe, clean environment for workers.

For workplaces and showing property, it contains:
  • Specific plan
  • Physical distancing
  • Cleaning and disinfecting protocols for workplaces

It also has topics for employee training and individual control measures and screening, 

The COVID-19 General Checklist for Real Estate Transactions
This checklist is intended to help people involved in real estate transactions implement their plan to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace and is supplemental to the Guidance for Real Estate Transactions. This checklist is a summary and contains shorthand for some parts of the guidance; familiarize yourself with the guidance before using this checklist.

real estate industry guidance

Topics: Education, Brokers/Managers, Government Affairs, Industry

Clear Cooperation- Effective May 1st

Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on May 1, 2020 4:36:35 PM

By NAR mandate, CRMLS has implemented it's Clear Cooperation Policy.  This policy governs the public marketing of listings and their entry into the multiple listing service. Within one (1) business day of marketing a property to the public, the listing broker must submit the listing to the MLS for cooperation with other MLS participants.

After the Seller signs the contract, the Listing Broker has two (2) business days from the listing contract date to enter the listing into the MLS. Within one (1) business day of marketing the property, the Listing Broker must ensure that the listing is in the Coming Soon or Active status.  CRMLS will have a "Coming Soon" status by the end of May 2020.

To learn more about the policy and how it will be implemented, CRMLS General Counsel Ed Zorn recorded this Webinar.

Clear Cooperation Video

To download the slide deck below follow this link.

Clear Cooperation Rules

CRMLS also has this web page dedicated to Clear Cooperation, BUT the advantages that CRMLS provides are not available now. PSAR will join SDMLS in getting the Coming Soon status at the end of May, the Registered status and Hold status that are part of CRMLS now will be delayed until our migration to the Upgraded Paragon system in August.  They are also currently available for PSAR users who subscribe to Matrix.


Topics: Brokers/Managers, CRMLS, Industry

How to promote Live Virtual Tours like Open Houses Pre-COVID-19?

Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on Apr 26, 2020 1:00:24 PM

A live virtual tour is different than a Matterport or a staged pre-recorded video.  A live virtual tour is a face to face presentation with potential buyers and or their selling agents.  These are a great way to keep buyers and sellers safe from COVID-19 while also presenting and answering questions about your listing live.  When virtual open houses are entered into Paragon, the tour feeds to syndication portals and online tools.  Check out the online marketing for this listing being presented by PSAR member (and YPN Chair)  Amber Tannehill.  For step by step instructions to set these up, follow the link at the bottom of the page called Learn How to Market Virtual Tours.

Your virtual open house will feed to Homesnap, Zillow and other online tools so home home shoppers and fellow agents can find your tour and interact with your listing safely from the confines of their own home.  Schedule your Virtual Tour on your favorite online video conferencing tools so potential buyers and selling agents can schedule a tour with you and discuss your listing live.

This is what the marketing looks like on a few of the common consumer portals. open house tool


Homesnap open house tool



zillow open house tool


The following live web conferencing services Will work with Paragon:

 BlueJeans

 Facebook Live

 GoToMeeting

 GoToWebinar

 Google Hangouts

 Google Meet


 Livestream

 Periscope

 Skype

 Microsoft Teams

 Webex

 Whereby

 YouTube Live

 Zoho

 Zoom


Learn How to Market Virtual Tours


Here is another link with more information about tours.



Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on Apr 20, 2020 9:31:09 AM

SACRAMENTO – On April 16, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom issued Executive Order N-52-20 which, among other things, extends several Department of Real Estate (DRE) statutory deadlines by 60 days.
Highlights of the Executive Order that relate to DRE stakeholders include extending the
following for 60 days:

• time-frames associated with examination application expiration dates
• time-frames associated with license expiration dates
• deadlines related to the payment of license application fees
• deadlines related to the payment of license renewal fees
• deadlines related to completing continuing education requirements for expiring licensees
• deadlines specified in existing Orders issued by the Real Estate Commissioner

DRE understands that right now licensees are focused on keeping themselves and their families safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the signing of this most recent Executive Order providing for extensions of licensing deadlines, licensees can continue focusing on their safety and well-being.
Frequently asked questions about the Executive Order are provided on DRE’s website.

Additionally, DRE published the most recent Consumer Alert titled, “Consumer Alert- Fraud Warnings for California Homeowners in Financial Distress” in Spanish today. The Spanish copy can be accessed on DRE’s website on the Consumer Alerts page.


Topics: Announcements, Industry

Stimulus Checks Start Arriving This Week - Here's What to Expect

Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on Apr 15, 2020 8:21:04 AM

Two weeks ago, the federal economic stimulus package known as the CARES Act was signed into law. Starting this week, Economic Impact Payments - often called "stimulus checks" - will show up in some Americans' bank accounts.


Canva - Pills on Gray Background

Who is eligible for the Economic Impact Payment?
How do I get a stimulus check from the IRS if I did not file a tax return in 2018 or 2019?
What if I receive Social Security payments (65 years +) or social security disability payments?
When will my check be delivered?


Who is eligible for the Economic Impact Payment?

U.S. citizens or resident aliens who:

  • Have a valid Social Security number,
  • Could not be claimed as a dependent of another taxpayer, and
  • Had adjusted gross income under certain limits.

Most eligible U.S. taxpayers will automatically receive their Economic Impact Payments without having to take any extra steps, including:

  • Individuals who filed a federal income tax for 2018 or 2019
  • Individuals who receive Social Security retirement, disability (SSDI), or survivor benefits
  • Individuals who receive Railroad Retirement benefits


How do I get a stimulus check from the IRS if I did not file a tax return in 2018 or 2019?

The IRS has launched a new we portal for people who did not file tax returns in 2018 or 2019 but are eligible for stimulus checks. This new web portal is easy to use, safe, secure, and free. Individuals who did not file tax returns in 2018 or 2019 should use this tool, including:

  • People who did not make enough money to require filing. This may include single filers who made under $12,200 and married couples making less than $24,400 in 2019.
  • People receiving veterans beneficiary payments and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments.


What if I receive Social Security payments (65 years +) or social security disability payments?

You do not need to file a tax return to receive stimulus money. According to the IRS, you will automatically receive $1,200 Economic Impact Payments. However, you may want to file a tax return if you have qualifying children under 17 years of age. In that case, you may receive up to $500 per child.

What will I need to file?

  • Full name, current mailing address and an email address
  • Date of birth and valid Social Security number
  • Bank account number, type and routing number, if you have one
  • An Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN) if you received from the IRS earlier this year.  
  • Driver's license or state-issued ID, if you have one.
  • For each qualifying child: name, Social Security number or Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number and their relationship to you or your spouse


When will my check be delivered?

The IRS is sending out direct deposits and paper checks starting with the lowest income earners. The IRS began depositing money on April 9. If you received prior tax refunds via direct deposit, funds will likely be automatically deposited into your bank account. The IRS will begin sending paper stimulus checks on April 24, 2020. The plan is to send paper stimulus checks to taxpayers with the lowest adjusted gross income first. Therefore, taxpayers who earned less than $10,000 will receive a paper check first.

On Friday, April 17, the IRS will release a new tool for tracking your payment status online and confirming whether your payment type will be direct deposit or check.

Topics: Announcements, Government Affairs, Industry