Richard D'Ascoli

Richard D'Ascoli
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C.A.R.'s Issues Guidance on Governor's Stay-at-Home Order

Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on Mar 21, 2020 5:09:42 PM

C.A.R. has issued guidance on the Governor's stay at home order.  This is not guidance from PSAR or our Board of Directors.  CAR has a legal team that is qualified to interpret and opine on legal matters.  Please consult your own legal council for advice and consult.  PSAR, CAR and NAR leaders continue to communicate with officials to educate them about the real estate business in this time of crisis.  


For more information please follow this link: 

car banner


Topics: Announcements, Brokers/Managers, Market Information, Industry

The DRE closes offices. PSAR offers more online services.

Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on Mar 20, 2020 1:57:21 PM

PSAR Online Services
Service information can be found here.

DRE Closes Offices

All DRE offices are closed to the public until further notice in compliance with Governor Gavin Newsom’s Executive Order N-33-20, issued March 19, 2020, ordering all California residents to shelter in place to slow the spread of COVID-19. 

PSAR Changes Services 

PSAR Launches New Temporary Processes to comply with the Governor's order. 

PSAR will support sale of  lockboxes and retail merchandise via pre-payment over the phone and pickup by appointment only.  Boxes that need repairs, replacement, or new batteries will be exchanged  for refurbished boxes following a pre-scheduled troubleshooting session.

Offices are closed, but member support will be provided by phone, chat, email or video call.  The PSAR staff is ready to provide full support to our realty community while adhering to the mandated state guidelines. 

We, like you, are working through this challenge by adapting to a dynamic environment.  If you would like to express any concerns or comments, please email

PSAR updates during Covid-19

Topics: Announcements

Coronavirus covid-19 landing page

Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on Mar 16, 2020 12:48:51 PM

Please check PSAR's landing page for the latest updates regarding the CVOD-19 situation including cancellations and resources.  Updates will be posted here:

webpage_covid 19


Topics: Industry

Postponement of this month's R.E.A.L. Awards to a future date

Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on Mar 13, 2020 4:52:33 PM

The R.E.A.L. Awards program to honor PSAR’s top producing agents will be postponed.

Due to concern for public safety as a result of COVID-19, commonly referred to as coronavirus and in recognition of state health officials’ recommendations, PSAR will delay the inaugural Real Estate Achievement and Leadership (R.E.A.L.) awards event, originally scheduled for Friday, March 27, at Viejas Casino and Resort. The event will be rescheduled to a future date.

Earlier this week, Gov. Gavin Newsom joined state health officials from the California Department of Public Health in recommending the cancellation of gatherings of 250 or more people across the entire state, escalating efforts to slow the spread of the virus.

All who purchased tickets to the March 27 event will be given the option of attending the future event or receive a refund.

Of course, we’re disappointed about the delay of this exciting event. However, the health, safety, and well-being of the entire PSAR community is the top priority for the Association leadership. I can assure you that your Association will continue to closely monitor this public health crisis and stay in contact with local, state and federal health experts to ensure that best practices are being followed and if additional precautions are advised. Some other PSAR meetings may be cancelled while others will be held remotely.

Over the next two weeks we will take time to regroup, and when the storm passes, put on an amazing event. The R.E.A.L. awards will be a celebration, with over 400 real estate professionals, of the successes we have respectively had in our businesses. Nobody is more disappointed in the delay than each of our dedicated group of volunteers who worked diligently during the past two months to make this event a memorable experience.

The R.E.A.L. Awards Committee members include Yvonne Cromer, Reshia Guarnotta, Amber Tannahill, Lupe Soto, Laurie Mac Donald, Carey Guthrie and Tony Santiago.  

The R.E.A.L. awards programs will honor PSAR’s top producing agents and provide a platform on which to be recognized for their hard work and dedication by their associates, other professional peers and PSAR. Award recipients are agents and brokers who have achieved excellence through production and industry leadership. Awards are based on either sales volume dollars or units sold, including listings or sales units entered in the MLS, and closed in 2019.

For information about other PSAR rescheduled programs (click here).

The virus, which causes a respiratory disease known as COVID-19, first appeared in Wuhan, China, last year.. Cases have been recorded in more than 100 countries and on every continent except Antarctica. More than 4,717 people have died and more than 128,000 others have been infected, many of whom are in China. In the U.S., more than 1,700 people have been infected across at least 46 states with at least 41 deaths, and 31 of them were elderly people from the state of Washington.

As the virus spreads, causing the shutdown of offices and schools across the U.S., many people are understandably on edge. However, the same preventative measures recommended to prevent the spread of influenza are also effective in reducing the risk of contracting or spreading coronavirus. Here are some recommended actions that will reduce the risk of contracting and spreading coronavirus:

• Stay home and do not travel if you have a fever, cough, shortness of breath or any other cold or flu-like symptom.
• Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water aren’t available, use    an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
• Avoid close contact with anyone who is sick
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
• Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, or cough or sneeze into your sleeve 
• Call ahead to your doctor before visiting

PSAR Covid-19 updates

Topics: Announcements, Industry

Some Coming Soon, Sales Strategies will Incur Fines.

Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on Mar 6, 2020 10:47:06 AM

After much debate in the industry, the National Association of REALTORS Board of Directors overwhelmingly supported this new policy that will govern what it means to be part of an MLS. 

From a very high level, this new policy creates rules that will require agents to cooperate and get their clients the very highest price in the market.  It will discourage "double-ending" transactions without market exposure. There were lots of reasons not to create this policy, but none of the individual issues made a strong enough argument in the eyes of the Realtors on the NAR Board of Directors to overcome the good that this policy will do for cooperation.  

NAR's mandatory policy reads like this: 

Within one (1) business day of marketing a property to the public, the listing broker must submit the listing to the MLS for cooperation with other MLS participants. Public marketing includes, but is not limited to, flyers displayed in windows, yard signs, digital marketing on public facing websites, brokerage website displays (including IDX and VOW), digital communications marketing (email blasts), multi-brokerage listing sharing networks, and applications available to the general public.

This policy has an implementation deadline of May 1st, 2020

CRMLS has been collecting input from members since November will finalize the rules for this policy by April 1, 2020.  PSAR has had representatives from CRMLS here three times to present and get feedback from our members and Brokers.  We are doing our best to roll this policy out in a way that will be least disruptive, but it will be incumbent on our members to adhere to these rules when they are rolled out.

Download this flyer to post and share in your office meetings:

Here is a brief video from CRMLS CEO Art Carter:



For deeper knowledge into the background and development of this policy, check the National Association of REALTORS page dedicated to this issue:


Looking to improve agent retention and productivity?

Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on Jan 31, 2020 1:37:58 PM

IMG_20190124_123203 (3)

Have training in your office.  PSAR & CRMLS will help.

  • Three trainers available to train in San Diego
  • Trainers will come to your office
  • PSAR offers meeting space for free to host office meetings.
  • Free training on 33 benefits that will make your team better.
  • Office training also available on PSAR's exclusive benefit called Savvycard.

As a Broker, what is your value proposition?  Brokers looking to improve agent productivity, professionalism and retention, should bring training and resources to their agents in-house. Brokers who show agents how to use these tools, provide added value.  As members of CRMLS, firms have many free or enhanced tools to choose from.  These tools help agents do a better job serving their clients.

When PSAR joined CRMLS, the CEO of Sandicor, and many important staff including three of the four Sandicor trainers became full time employees of CRMLS.  This knowledge is deep and it remains part of our organization.  These trainers are located here in San Diego to educate and support our Realtor members.  They will even train your team locally right in your office. Regular training and coaching can help your agents grow as professionals and enhance your broker/agent relationship. 

Some brokerages don't have the facilities to train all of their agents in one space. If this is an issue for you, PSAR will provide you with free meeting space to train your own at an office meeting hosted in our location?  In return, we only request the opportunity to spend two minutes outlining the benefits of being a PSAR Realtors.


Have a Trainer Visit Your Office


Here are some of the topics CRMLS will train on.  All of these tools are included for PSAR/CRMLS subscribers at no additional cost to agents or the brokerage. Savvy Card and Glide are two programs offered by PSAR.  PSAR staff can direct brokers to training resources for these benefits.  PSAR can also help brokers identify training for Zipforms and other CAR and NAR programs.
For a syllabus, class length and description, please check out more detailed information here.
  • Cloud Agent Suite 
  • Cloud CMA 
  • Cloud Streams
  • CRMLS Apps
  • CRMLS Marketing Tools
  • CRMLS System and Products Overview
  • Homesnap Pro App
  • Infosparks Market Statistic
  • Infosparks Marketview
  • LionDesk CRM
  • Matrix: Agent Essentials
  • Matrix: Broker Office Admin
  • Matrix: Creating a CMA in Matrix
  • Matrix: Realist Tax 2.0
  • Matrix: Searching 101
  • Matrix: System Updates
  • Matrix: Time-Saving Tips
  • MLS-Touch App
  • Paragon: Advanced Searching
  • Paragon: Agent Essentials
  • Paragon: Broker Office Admin
  • Paragon: Collaboration Center
  • Paragon: Creating a CMA in Paragon
  • Paragon: CRS Tax 101
  • Paragon: Hot Sheets/Tours/Open Houses
  • Paragon: Managing Listings in Paragon
  • Paragon: Searching 101
  • Paragon: ShowingTime for the MLS
  • Paragon: System Updates
  • Paragon: Time-Saving Tips
  • REALTORS® Property Resource®
  • Remine

Want to improve MLS rules compliance and avoid citations and fines?  

  • CRMLS Compliance Top Violations Overview is a great class.

Do you have a boutique office, or need a smaller training session?

Brokers with fewer than ten agents, are welcome to bring their team to training hosted at PSAR each month in each of our three offices.  Bring your entire office to any of these training sessions. Check out our education calendar and register your entire office for training.


Not using SavvyCard for lead generation and property marketing?  You should be.

PSAR also offers Savvy Card.  This is a unique marketing platform that includes Seller Share, Free Property websites and much more.  Savvy Card will train in your office as well!  Just email and request office training on Savvycard. Learn more about Savvy Card here.

Need more information, or have a question? Please comment in the form below and a friendly PSAR service member will get back to you!



Topics: Education, Brokers/Managers, PSAR Benefits

CAR Seller Exclusion form and CRMLS

Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on Jan 29, 2020 11:38:53 AM

CRMLS HAS NOT adopted the NAR mandated "Clear Cooperation" policy YET. (As of January 29th, 2020) 

While CRMLS is taking a lead position in developing implementation policies, there is more vetting to go through to make sure that an equitable and fair policy is developed.  Look for a policy to be adopted prior to May 2020.

What does this mean to listing agents for now?

When filling out the CAR Seller Exclusion, you DO NOT need to check this box.  This will change when CRMLS adopts the new policy.

MLS Clear Cooperation



Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on Oct 18, 2019 4:51:06 PM


It is my honor to serve you as PSAR’s CEO. I am very much looking forward to the future with PSAR. As we look ahead to the year 2020, the future of our Association is strong and solid.

I must admit it, our industry is in a state of change. Different business models are introduced every day. Billions of Wall Street dollars are invading the industry as technology companies disrupt and attempt to shake-up the traditional business model of buying and selling with the assistance of an experienced REALTOR®. Critics compare our industry to that of a dinosaur.

For example, the phenomenon of iBuying is a recent pressing concern. However, as you know, real estate is strongly based on relationships. The truth is that most home buyers and sellers need some advice about how much to offer, whether to include an inspection, how to arrange financing and a host of other issues involved in the real estate transaction process. Residential buyers and sellers are making the largest investment decisions of their lifetimes. And, without REALTORS®, consumers wouldn’t have the MLS marketplace or the market transparency that exists today. There will always be a need for people with outstanding character, work ethic and professionalism. At PSAR, you will always be highly valued and considered assets to our industry.

2019 was a very successful year for PSAR on several fronts. Early in the year, we opened a new PSAR Central Service Center located in San Diego’s Clairemont Mesa region. The new PSAR Service Center at 4340 Genesee Ave., Suite 203, San Diego, provides MLS training, educational classes and a full-service retail store that offers signage, SentriLock and Supra lock boxes and much more.

Also this year, we re-launched our new weekly property marketing pitch meeting, called “City Pitch,” at our PSAR Central San Diego Service Center. The event for brokers and sales agents begins at 9 a.m. every Tuesday morning. The focus is on properties in the following zip codes: 92102, 92104, 92105, 92108, 92111, 92115, 92116, 92123, 92124, and 92120. All San Diego-area REALTORS® are invited to attend to pitch their properties, network and put deals together.

Also this year, we created a new Local Area Disclosures (LAD) publication covering San Diego County. A joint effort with the North San Diego County Association of REALTORS ® (NSDCAR), this new LAD publication is helping REALTOR® members give consumers a deeper understanding of the properties in San Diego County communities where they are purchasing. It contains vital information relating to all local communities in the San Diego region. The new LAD is the latest member benefit and is demonstrating a dedication and commitment to address the local needs of our PSAR REALTOR® members.

PSAR CEO Rich D'Ascoli

Meanwhile, even as critics question the viability of REALTOR® associations, PSAR is continuing to flex our muscles and get stronger. Our membership total has doubled to more than 3,100 over the past seven years. We remain committed to our PSAR REALTOR® members and affiliates. Together, our PSAR REALTORS® are thriving because our association is the glue that holds the industry together and provides the fuel which powers our members for success.

Another positive factor that will help our members as we look ahead is PSAR’s partnership with the California Regional Multiple Listing Service (CRMLS). This alliance with CRMLS meets our PSAR board’s criteria for a statewide MLS, including fully standardized MLS data that benefits our members. Universal access, uniform rules and enforcement and distribution are controlled by brokers.

The move to CRMLS has had a major impact on the ability of our PSAR REALTORS® to compete in today’s market. CRMLS has access to more San Diego County listings than any other MLS. Today, we are able to leverage CRMLS’ strength in numbers to improve technology and provide agents with better tools and more information than they have ever had before. The size of CRMLS also has put us in a position to negotiate with multi-billion dollar companies to protect both the brokerage community and the consumers we serve. PSAR provides CRMLS to any licensed broker even if they belong to another association.

In CRMLS, “Cloud Streams” is effective at sharing listings with clients through texting and an improved user search experience. Savvy Card is another new tool that is helping agents share their business card and listings through social media and online marketing. Cloud MLX provides a superior search experience. Agents who use Glide make available a consumer-friendly tool that helps sellers fill out their disclosures easily on multiple platforms. CRMLS negotiated a special deal with LionDesk so that agents can have access to a fully functional CRM at no additional cost. Remine takes MLS data and enhances it with consumer data to put marketing power in the hands of the REALTOR®. These new tools are powerful and, if used, can help our PSAR REALTORS® leverage their relationships to provide a superior client experience.

Factors that will help our members in the future include decisions made within the past few years that will continue to pay dividends. For example, our utility costs have dropped significantly with the addition of solar panels at our South County Service Center on Canarios Court in Chula Vista. We will have a similar structure completed in the East County before the end of 2020.

PSAR’s ownership interest in California Signs and Marketing, signed in 2014, has been a win-win for PSAR members when they do business with a company in which they are part-owner. REALTORS® receive superior service and fast turnaround. Plus the Association receives a percentage of the company’s revenues that help support PSAR programs and services, keeping our REALTORS® dues the lowest in San Diego County. Also, agents enjoy responsive customer service to you and your clients. Signage services for both residential and commercial properties include design, manufacturing, installation and delivery of yard signs, open house signs, banners, vehicle lettering, business cards, stationery, dimensional signs and sand blast signs. Cal Signs is a reliable vendor who will adapt as our industry changes.

Another outstanding decision that has worked out well is the 2012 merger of the El Cajon-based East San Diego County Association of Realtors and the Chula Vista-based PSAR. The California Secretary of State approved the merger between the two Realtor associations in August, 2012, followed by approval by the National Association of Realtors in September, 2012.

As we approach 2020, there is uncertainty about next year’s housing market due to affordability issues. With interest rates expected to remain at near three-year lows, buyers have more purchasing power than in years past, but they may be reluctant to get off the sidelines because of economic and market uncertainties. Additionally, an affordability crunch will cut into demand in some regions. These factors together may subdue sales growth next year. California’s housing market will also be challenged by changing migration patterns as buyers search for more affordable housing markets, particularly first-time buyers, who are the hardest hit, moving out of state.

However, as PSAR approaches 2020, we are healthy for a number of reasons. We empower REALTORS®. We remain a vibrant network of real estate professionals who work together to serve our communities. We offer outstanding professional growth and educational opportunities. We remain committed to a Code of Ethics because we understand how professionalism builds trust with our clients and each other. And we leverage the collective strength of REALTORS® around the state and country to empower our members with the very best technology in the industry. Simply put, we are better together.

*  *  *

Richard D’Ascoli has served as PSAR’s CEO since 2011 after joining the Association as Government Affairs Director in 2006. He was born in Queens New York. served in the United States Air Force and Air National Guard. He earned a degree in business administration Fordham University in New York City and his Master’s Degree from Golden Gate University in San Francisco.

Topics: Marketing, Industry

PSAR Members gain access to Mexico's Leading MLS Via CRMLS Matrix.

Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on Oct 7, 2019 12:43:03 PM

CRMLS announced that Matrix Subscribers will gain access to data from Terminus Sistema Global, Mexico's leading MLS.  Starting on October 2nd, 2019, CRMLS Matrix users may access data from Mexico's Leading MLS via a reciprocal link in the Matrix Links page. Licensed agents in San Diego, with their Broker's permission may now join PSAR and gain access to Matrix regardless of what association they belong to.  Existing PSAR members may either change from Paragon to Matrix for no additional cost, or PSAR Paragon MLS subscribers can add Matrix as a second MLS for only $6 per month . The tool is new, but the number of listings is growing each day.

Here is how PSAR's CRMLS Matrix users can gain access to Mexican listings. Use the "Links" menu option in Matrix.


NOW Real estate professionals on both sides of the border will have more access to listing data than ever, along with a greater capacity to share their listing information with their peers.

This "Links" menu item will provide access to a page that looks like this.


You are in!  The Terminus interface is powered by the familiar MLS system called Matrix.  


According the press release, CRMLS CEO Art Carter stated "Some people worry that a data sharing agreement means that someone will come 'over the hill' and start selling your listings," said Carter. "Remember, only professionals licensed to sell real estate in California can do so. This agreement is about viewing data, growing connections, and making referrals. It does not suddenly give Mexico agents California real estate licenses or vice versa."

Click here to read the full CRMLS press release for additional details. Check with your Broker and attorney to ensure you are following all applicable laws.

Back in March of 2019 Terminus Sistema Global and the State Board of Real Estate for Baja California (CEPIBC) announce their partnership for the deployment of the MLS for their members. By partnering with Terminus Sistema Global, CEPIBC has been able to introduce the concept of an MLS to their 10 regional associations which include AMPI Mexicali,  API Mexicali,  AMPI Tijuana,  API Tijuana, ASAI Tijuana, AMPI Rosarito, API Rosarito, AMPI Ensenada, API Ensenada and AMPI San Felipe.


Topics: Announcements, CRMLS, Industry

New San Diego County Local Area Disclosure

Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on Sep 27, 2019 4:38:49 PM

The Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® (PSAR) and the North San Diego County Association of REALTORS® (NSDCAR), two real estate trade associations for San Diego-area REALTORS®, are proud to jointly announce the availability of a new Local Area Disclosures (LAD) publication covering San Diego County.San Diego County Local Area Disclosures

This new LAD publication will help REALTOR® members give consumers a deeper understanding of the properties in San Diego County communities where they are purchasing. It contains vital information relating to all local communities in the San Diego region. The new LAD is the latest member benefit and is demonstrating a dedication and commitment to address the local needs of REALTOR® members.

NSDCAR and PSAR leading brokers and legal counsel worked together to create this new version that will provide REALTORS® with a disclosure document that focuses on items that may concern their clients and that are especially, and in many cases, unique to San Diego County.

For consumers, this new LAD will provide important information on all pertinent issues relating to a property they are interested in. It also will help buyers not rely solely on information received from sellers and agents.

“It was a very rewarding, collaborative experience working with our REALTORS® on this LAD project,” said Rich D’Ascoli, CEO, PSAR. “Our team members developed close bonds with a sense of expertise and camaraderie on this project, all with the goal of empowering our members to succeed.”

“Brokers want to provide their clients with accurate and current information,” said Tommy Thompson, CEO, NSDCAR. “Real estate dealings come with potential legal risk. So, disclosure of information is key to our jobs of informing buyers about the exact condition of a property before they agree to purchase it. Keeping tabs on legal concerns in day-to-day dealings help our members safeguard their reputations, businesses and careers.”

Disclosures are one of the most important areas in today’s real estate industry. Full disclosure provides parties with the information needed to properly negotiate price and assess the property’s suitability for their needs.

All sellers are required to disclose certain information and material facts, including information on the property including known hazards and defects that could have an effect on a buyer’s decision to enter into the deal.

In addition, all REALTORS® are required to have a thorough knowledge of California real estate disclosure laws. A real estate professional has a fiduciary duty to disclosure any information that might impact the value of a sale. It is always in your best interest to disclosure all known and suspected hazards. If information is withheld, the buyer or seller may be entitled to damages.

The new LAD publication is presented in easy-to-read format with chapter sections with such titles as “General Disclosures,” “Environmental Disclosures,” “Traffic, Roads and Transportation Disclosures” and “Air Traffic and Airport Disclosures.” Another section called “Specific Area Disclosures” includes specific information on particular communities in San Diego County, including coastal and desert areas, as well as North County, East County, South County, City of San Diego areas. Download San Diego County Local Area Disclosures

Topics for the sections include the following:

-- General Disclosures: County of San Diego General Plan Update, Homeowner Associations, High Wind and Flooding areas, Prison and Jails, Attractions and Amusement Parks, Casinos, Historic Districts, Short-term Rental Restrictions, Parking Restrictions, Soil Conditions, Gas Pipelines, Proposition 65.

-- Environmental Disclosures: Hazardous Materials, Coastal Cliffs, Electrical and Magnetic Fields, Flooding Valleys, Landfills, Lead-based Paint, Nuclear Materials, Agricultural Lands, Toxic Mold Advisory.

-- Traffic, Roads and Transportation: Major Freeways, Mass Transit, Buses.

-- Air Traffic and Airport Disclosures: Aircraft Noise, Airport Sites and Runway Expansion, Military Airfield Restrictions.

A variety of topics are mentioned on the pages about specific San Diego County communities, including information about off-road vehicles activity, nearby farms and agricultural odors, equestrian areas, sewage plants, groundwater seepage, landslide incidents, military ordinances in canyons, quarry noise and facilities for homeless and transients.

The new LAD publication will be available to members on the PSAR and NSDCAR websites.

About PSAR
The Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® (PSAR), a 3,100-member trade group for San Diego-area REALTORS®, offers CRMLS multiple listing services, educational training, advocacy and other resources to its REALTOR® members. Founded in 1928, PSAR has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth and development of greater San Diego County. The Association maintains a leadership role in the industry, empowering REALTORS® by leveraging our collective strength so they may serve homebuyers and sellers and the greater community. PSAR offices are located in Clairemont, Chula Vista, and El Cajon. PSAR Service Centers provide Sentrilock, Supra, retail store, MLS training and REALTOR® education, networking and much more. For more information, visit  

The North San Diego County Association of REALTORS® (NSDCAR), a 7,000-member trade group for San Diego-area REALTORS®, offers San Diego County REALTORS® access to the California Regional MLS (CRMLS) service, along with educational training, advocacy and other services and resources. NSDCAR is the largest trade association in San Diego’s North County Region. Service centers are located in Vista, Carmel Valley, Carlsbad, Escondido, Fallbrook and Kearny Mesa. NSDCAR was founded in 1994 when several small boards of REALTORS® joined forces to better serve REALTORS® and real estate consumers in the rapidly growing areas of North San Diego County. For more information on NSDCAR, visit


Topics: Education, Announcements, Market Information