Discover Your Next Level - Peak Performance Strategy Workshop

Posted by Joyce Evans on Dec 26, 2018 4:35:24 PM

Peak performance workshopREGISTER HERE

FREE  to PSAR Members, $20 to Non-Members

Monday, January 14th, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

PSAR East County, 1150 Broadway, El Cajon, CA 92021

Presented by Peak Performance Strategist Stephen Litman (A Tony Robbins Seminar)

Improve your performance by integrating a three-step process for creating lasting change. Clearly identify what is holding you back from reaching your true potential by closing the gap between where you are and where you want to be. 

Workshop benefits:

  • Learn the strategies to immediately start achieving amazing results in any area of your life.
  • Discover the five habits of effective communication.
  • Discover the success cycle and learn how to apply it to every facet of your life.
  • Develop an unshakable mindset that will give you a more healthy and fulfilling life.
  • Determine a clear target of what you want in every area of your life, including your career, body, finances and relationships. 


Topics: Education, Events

PSAR Holiday Hours

Posted by Joyce Evans on Dec 11, 2018 1:48:08 PM

PSAR Christmas holiday hours

Monday, Dec. 24 - Closed
Tuesday, Dec. 25 - Closed
Wednesday, Dec. 26 - Open at 8:30 AM
Monday, Dec. 31 - Closed
Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2019 - Closed
Wednesday, Jan. 2 - Open at 8:30 AM


Thursday, Dec. 20 - Cancelled
Thursday, Dec. 27 - Cancelled
Thursday, Jan. 3 - Cancelled

Wednesday, Dec. 26 - Cancelled
Wednesday, Jan. 2 - Cancelled

Tuesday, Dec. 25 - Cancelled
Tuesday, Jan. 1 - Cancelled


Topics: Announcements, Events, Marketing

PSAR Annual Legal Update

Posted by Joyce Evans on Dec 6, 2018 1:50:40 PM

Gov.Hutchinson-blog-2tLearn what's new, what's changed, and how it can affect your real estate business in 2019. 
Presented by Gov Hutchinson,
C.A.R Assistant General Council

Thursday, Jan. 24, 2019; 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
(Lunch: 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM)

Seating is limited.     REGISTER HERE NOW    
Or call 619-421-7811

$5.00 - PSAR Members; 
$10.00 - Non-members

PSAR South County, 880 Canarios Ct., Ste. 100,
Chula Vista, CA 91910

Gov Hutchinson is Assistant General Counsel of the CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (C.A.R.) Gov has been with C.A.R. since 1985 and manages C.A.R.’s Member Legal Services Program in Los Angeles. Gov advises REALTORS® through the “Hotline” on all aspects of real estate law and he trains and supervises other “Hotline” attorneys.

Hutchinson has written for CALIFORNIA REAL ESTATE magazine, coauthored C.A.R. continuing education courses and is a master instructor for the Education Division of C.A.R. with certification from the Department of Real Estate.

Topics: Events

2019 Installation Dinner was inspirational, entertaining

Posted by Rick Griffin on Nov 16, 2018 3:45:47 PM
Robert Calloway Installation It was an inspirational, wonderful and unforgettable evening. More than 255 people gathered at the Admiral Kidd Conference Center on Harbor Island for PSAR’s 2019 Officers and Directors Installation Dinner. Held Friday, Nov. 9, this year’s installation event was at an exclusive venue, the Admiral Kidd Conference Center located on military property on Naval Base Point Loma. The views of the San Diego Bay and downtown skyline were stunning.

The installation celebrated success in the PSAR REALTOR® community with REALTORS committed to serving in the industry. The program featured the swearing in of the 2019 PSAR board of directors, including Robert Calloway as 2019 PSAR president.

In his message to the members, Calloway stated the following:

“The 2019 theme for PSAR is Salute to Service. On Jan. 20, 1961, it was a cold day in Washington, D.C. for President John F. Kennedy’s inauguration. There, Mr. Kennedy spoke his famous words: `And so, my fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.’ He then continued by addressing his international audience: `My fellow citizens of the world: Ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.’ It was a call to action for the public to do what is right for the greater good. President Kennedy called on all Americans to commit themselves to service and sacrifice.

“Today, I am calling on all PSAR members to do the same. Let me encourage you to get involved by volunteering and serving on a PSAR committee or on the board of directors. Don’t just show-up, volunteer. Find your passions, utilize your strengths, be a participant, not just an observer, and you will get more out of PSAR. You will develop your skills, advance your career and the experience will be rewarding to you both personally and professionally. While no one is capable of doing everything, everyone is capable of doing something. However, all of us can extend the reach of PSAR by building relationships and spreading the word about the many benefits PSAR offers.”

Joining Robert on the PSAR board of directors during the 2019 calendar year beginning Jan 1, 2019, will be: Robert Cromer as president-elect, Sam Calvano as secretary-treasurer and Jan Farley as immediate past president. Other REALTOR® members also serving on the 2019 board will include: Mike Anderson, Yvonne Cromer, Carey Guthrie, Shonee Henry, Sean Hillier, Robert Kilbourne, Jason Lopez, Dennis Ryan, Norma Scantlin and Ditas Yamane. Also serving on the board will be Tony Santiago as an affiliate director.

Also announced at the installation were recipients of special awards, including:
  • Laurie MacDonald, East County Realtor of the Year;
  • Sarah Heck, South County Realtor of the Year;
  • Robert Hillard, East County Affiliate of the Year;
  • Juanita Adame, South County Affiliate of the Year;
  • Nikki Coppa, East County Broker-Office Manager of the Year;
  • Max Zaker, South County Broker-Office Manager of the Year.
Jan Farley presented four Presidential Awards of Appreciation. Recipients included: Shun Wakita and Aaron Kerper for their services as a Sandicor Director; Anthony Andaya and Sarah Heck for their service on the PSAR Legal Taskforce.

Special guest speaker Sammy Lee Davis drew several standing ovations at the installation. Davis served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War and was awarded the nation’s highest military medal for valor, the Medal of Honor. As Private First Class Davis, he told an emotional first-person story of a nightlong mortar firefight at Cai Lay in Vietnam as experienced by his Battery C group. His entertaining performance of “Oh Shenandoah” on his harmonica was breathtaking. Mr. Davis certainly made this year’s Veterans Day Weekend very memorable.

In his message to the member, PSAR CEO Rich D’Ascoli stated: “While many question the viability of REALTOR® associations, PSAR is continuing to get stronger. We remain committed to our collaborative relationships with other local associations, such as NSDCAR, C.A.R., NAR, as well as, most recently, as a member of the California Regional Multiple Listing Service (CRMLS.) Together, REALTORS® are thriving because our associations are the glue that both holds the industry together and the fuel which powers our members for success.

“While REALTORS® may operate in an extremely competitive business arena, we come together through our associations and the MLS to create a marketplace that directly benefits consumers. As an industry, we don’t give ourselves enough credit. Because of REALTORS®, the MLS creates a transparent marketplace that provides consumers with choices and information which helps them to make sound financial decisions. Residential buyers and sellers are making the largest investment decisions of their lifetime. Without REALTORS®, we wouldn’t have the MLS marketplace or the market transparency that exists today.”

Topics: Education, Events, Leadership

Fabulous Gathering Awaits PSAR Members at Installation Dinner!

Posted by Rick Griffin on Oct 19, 2018 1:49:27 PM

PSAR Installation Dinner

It will be an unforgettable experience that you don’t want to miss. PSAR will present its 2019 Officers and Directors Installation Dinner on Friday, Nov. 9, at the Admiral Kidd Conference Center, 33050 McDonough Road, San Diego, 92136 (some GPS devices may show the address as 33050 Acoustic Ave.).

Bigger and better than ever, this year’s Installation Dinner is destined to be the biggest real estate event of the year, as we welcome the 2019 board of directors in this exclusive venue. Located on military property on Naval Base Point Loma at the Harbor Drive Annex, the Admiral Kidd Conference Center is virtually surrounded by the splendor of the San Diego Bay and downtown skyline and offers breathtaking views of the San Diego Bay. The facility features a lovely lawn setting and a deck overlooking the bay.

The installation event will celebrate success in the REALTOR® community with the top producers in the industry. The program will feature the swearing in of the 2019 PSAR board of directors including Robert Calloway as 2019 PSAR president. Also announced will be winners of the East County Realtor of the Year, South County Realtor of the Year, East County Affiliate of the Year and South County Affiliate of the Year. Additional awards will include Broker-Office Manager of the Year for both East County and South County.

Don’t be late. Networking with colleagues and industry peers will start at 6 p.m. Stella Artois premium beer and wine (Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon) will be hosted. This will be your opportunity to reconnect with old friends and engage with new friends, raising your profile, expanding your influence, telling your story and generating referrals and greater business.

Dinner will begin at 7 p.m. Farmer’s table appetizer display will include assorted cheese and crackers and veggie display. Hors-d'oeuvres will be passed. Hors-d’oeuvres will include fresh roasted tomato bruschetta, smoked salmon and cucumber roulade, bacon wrapped scallops and beef empanadas. Plated dinners choices will include chicken Marsala (breast of chicken simmered in rosemary Marsala wine sauce), grilled New York steak (with carmelized onions and a rich bordelaise sauce) or vegetarian (pasta primavera). Chardonnay and Pinot Noir wine will be served with dinner.

Tickets are priced at $85 per person, which is a tremendous bargain. RSVPs can be made at Sponsorship opportunities are still available for this special night. Several different affordable sponsorship opportunities are currently being offered. This is a prime advertising opportunity to situate your brand in front of other industry professionals and get the attention your brand deserves. More sponsorship information is available by contacting Sally Valdez at PSAR at (619) 579-0333.

Special guest speaker at the PSAR Installation Dinner will be Sammy Lee Davis, a veteran who served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War and was awarded the nation’s highest military medal for valor, the Medal of Honor.

Davis took some ribbing in the Army because he shared a name with the famous entertainer. Much later, long after his military days were over, he would again gain some acclaim among his old comrades, this time as the “real Forrest Gump.” That’s because news footage of Davis receiving the Medal of Honor from President Lyndon B. Johnson appeared in the 1994 “Forrest Gump” motion picture with Tom Hanks’ head in place of Davis. Gump’s functional Medal of Honor citation was loosely based on Davis’ real one.

Early on November 18, 1967, his unit of 11 guns and 42 men were transported via helicopter into an area west of Cai Lay to set up a forward fire-support base. Shortly after midnight the next morning, Private First Class Davis’s Battery C came under heavy mortar attack. Almost simultaneously, an estimated 1,500 Vietcong soldiers launched an intense ground assault, failing to overrun the Americans only because a river separated the two forces. Davis’s squad was operating a 105 mm howitzer that fired 18,000 beehive darts in each shell. When he saw how close the enemy had come, Davis took over a machine gun and provided covering-fire for his gun crew. But an enemy recoilless rifle round scored a direct hit on the howitzer, knocking the crew from the weapon and blowing Davis sideways into a foxhole.

Convinced that the heavily outnumbered Americans couldn’t survive the attack, Davis decided to fire off at least one round from the damaged artillery piece before being overrun. He struggled to his feet, rammed a shell into the gun, and fired point-blank at the Vietcong who were advancing five deep directly in front of the weapon; the beehive round cut them down. An enemy mortar round exploded nearby, knocking Davis to the ground, but he got up and kept firing the howitzer. When there were no more rounds left, he fired a white phosphorus shell, and then the last round he had a “propaganda shell” filled with leaflets. On Nov. 19, 1968, exactly one year and one day after the nightlong firefight at Cai Lay, Davis received the Medal of Honor from President Lyndon Johnson.

Davis is the author of “You Don’t Lose ‘Til You Quit Trying: Lessons on Adversity and Victory from a Vietnam Veteran and Medal of Honor Recipient.” The book is available on Amazon.

Topics: Events

PSAR 2019 Officers and Board of Directors Installation Dinner

Posted by Joyce Evans on Oct 4, 2018 2:01:32 PM


Flyer_181109_2019 Installation Dinner Announcement Flyer

Topics: Events