Don't set yourself for future legal issues and failure. Learn about the rules that govern fair housing. Serve both your tenants and your landlords professionally.
Learn about updated state and federal housing laws. Review your responsibilities. Enhance your professional stature. This Training is available to everyone.
Monica Lopez from the Center for Social Advocates (CSA), will update Realtors on...
• Fair housing Laws, Definitions and Examples
• Reasonable Accommodations & Modifications
• Common Accommodation Requests
• Advertising, Questions, Scenario Practice
Wednesday | July 1st | 11:00 AM
Live Zoom Discussion
Or Call: 619-421-7811
For 3 years, 25 undercover testers in another market:
• Investigated 93 real estate agents
• Secretly recorded 240 hours of meetings
• 5,763 listings were analyzed.
This three year investigation claimed to have uncovered widespread evidence of unequal treatment of prospective home owners by the agents who were investigated. (read about it here)
CSA San Diego County is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. CSA has decades of experience as advocates for fair housing and in mediating tenant/landlord issues, they continue to do so today. Other issues CSA addresses include: hate crime prevention, civil rights of first-generation immigrants, human trafficking, youth education, and voter education.