Steve Whittington (1947-2023), 2002 Past President

Posted by Rick Griffin on Mar 24, 2023 4:00:00 PM

1994_Steve Whittington

The PSAR family is saddened to hear about the recent passing of Steve Whittington, who served as PSAR's East San Diego County Association of REALTORS® president in 2002. He passed away from a respiratory illness on March 8, 2023. He was 76.

Steve was born on Aug. 23, 1947, to Frank and Lorraine Whittington in Dubuque, Iowa. At age 3, the family moved to San Diego.

Steve was married to his wife Patti for 53 years. They both attended the same elementary school. Their friendship continued while attending Hilltop Junior High and Hilltop High School. They were married in 1970, the same year Steve graduated from San Diego State University with a degree in sociology. They raised a son and daughter.

Steve worked for Bank of America for several years before launching his real estate sales career, which began around 1987. In 1991, Steve opened Peerless Properties, a real estate sales office, and Peerless Property Management.

Steve believed in giving back to the community and supporting growth in the real estate industry, which led to his service as PSAR president. During Steve’s tenure as president, his daughter Amy worked part-time at PSAR as a receptionist.

Steve continued working in real estate until his retirement in 2010. During his retirement years, Steve enjoyed golfing, playing poker with close friends, and traveling with Patti.

Steve is survived by his wife Patti Whittington; daughter Amy Whittington; son Brent Whittington and his wife Kimjera Whittington; grandchildren Blake, Kendall, and Braxton; brother Randall Whittington and his wife Peggy Whittington; and sister Susan Whittington.

No memorial services are planned.

PSAR expresses our sincere condolences to the Whittington family at this time.

#  #  #


Topics: Announcements

Reclassifying Rural Properties for Wildfires Could Mean Higher Insurance

Posted by Rick Griffin on Jan 13, 2023 3:41:30 PM

Cal Fire is looking for public input on proposed changes.

insurance rates increase

The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, typically called CAL Fire, is updating its wildfire risk maps for rural, unincorporated areas throughout the state. It’s been 15 years since the maps were updated.

The updates have the potential for increasing the cost of homeowners insurance in those rural communities reclassified by CAL Fire as more susceptible to wildfires. Metropolitan cities and urban areas are not included in the current updates process.

The public is invited to comment and ask questions about updates to CAL Fire’s Wildfire Hazard Severity Zones (WHSZ) maps. The deadline for public comment is Feb. 3, 2023.

PSAR members are invited to visit a website and enter a property’s address on a map showing CAL Fire’s updates to WHSZ maps. Visit, then scroll to the bottom to find “FHSZ Viewer” and enter an address in the search bar.

You can also visit to compare proposed 2022 updates to WHSZ maps, compared to WHSZ maps used in 2007, the year when WHSZ maps were last updated. At this website, you can use a swipe tool to toggle between the maps from 2007 and 2022, and see how ratings for areas have been changed to moderate, high and very high risks.

A CAL Fire statement said fire scientists and wildfire mitigation experts have used science-based and field-tested models to assign a hazard score based on factors that influence fire likelihood and fire behavior. Factors include fire history, existing and potential fuel (natural vegetations), predicted flame length, blowing embers, terrain and typical fire weather for an area.

CAL Fire also said insurance companies, including insurance agents and brokers, have been involved throughout the process to ensure cooperation between all sectors to better support Californians.

These changes to wildfire ratings are expected to impact insurance rates, as well as eligibility. While California has a FAIR property insurance plan that provides basic insurance to individuals unable to get coverage, this coverage is considered a “temporary safety net” until the homeowner can obtain a traditional homeowners policy. Even then, homeowners may need to obtain additional insurance from another carrier to increase their coverage to an adequate level.

Written comments can be mailed to FHSZ Comments, California Dept. of Forestry and Fire Protection, P.O. Box 944246, Sacramento, CA 94244-2460.

Comments also can be emailed to Josh Black, San Diego’s contact for the WHSZ map updates program. Black can be reached at or (619) 609-3413.


PSAR's Mission is to empower Real Estate Professionals.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth and development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County.

Topics: Announcements, Government Affairs


Posted by Rick Griffin on Jan 3, 2023 7:30:00 PM


The Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® (PSAR), a 4,000-member real estate trade group for San Diego-area REALTORS®, recently noted the 10-year anniversary of its merger between two San Diego regional REALTOR® associations, including the El Cajon-based East San Diego County Association of REALTORS® (ESDCAR) and the Chula Vista-based PSAR.

In June 2012, officials with ESDCAR and PSAR signed Articles of Incorporation between the two REALTOR® associations. Then, in August 2012, the California Secretary of State approved the merger followed by approval from the National Association of REALTORS® in September 2012. The year 2023 will be the 11th full calendar year for the merged REALTOR® association.

“During our first successful decade, we’ve demonstrated over and over how we’re better and stronger together,” said Rich D’Ascoli, CEO of PSAR. “We’re looking forward to the future and continuing to fulfill PSAR’s mission to empower real estate professionals throughout San Diego County.”

Founded in 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® (PSAR) has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth, and development of the real estate industry in San Diego County. Today, PSAR offers educational training, advocacy, and other resources, including MLS services, lockboxes, signage, networking, and retail store, to its REALTOR® and affiliate members. PSAR operates service centers in Clairemont, El Cajon, and Chula Vista.


PSAR's Mission is to empower Real Estate Professionals.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth and development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County.

Topics: Announcements, Government Affairs

2022 REALTOR®, Broker/Office Manager, Affiliate Of The Year and Service Award Nominations

Posted by Rick Griffin on Nov 18, 2022 5:31:11 PM


Call for Nominations!!!

Do you know a fantastic PSAR REALTOR®, Broker/Office Manager, or Affiliate? Now is the time to give them the recognition they deserve. Three other awards will also be presented at the R.E.A.L. Awards Event.  PSAR Distinguished Service Award, PSAR Community Service Award, and the PSAR Friend of the Industry Award.
Please take a few minutes to nominate your candidate(s).

You can use either of these two methods to nominate.


Nominations must be received by Friday, December 16, 2022.

PSAR shall recognize a REALTOR®, Broker, and Affiliate each year as well as the following three awards:

PSAR Distinguished Service Award. The ultimate recognition for the dedicated PSAR REALTOR® who has always set themselves apart as a leader. REALTORS® who receive the award have shown exceptionally meritorious service to PSAR for at least 10 years and have been recognized as local leaders whose performance and involvement in political, educational, and community activities have been extraordinary.  This award may or may not be granted every year because the bar is set that high.

PSAR  Community Service Award. Recognizes active REALTOR® members who are making an extraordinary impact on their community through volunteer work. Nominees are judged primarily on the level and impact of personal contribution. Nominees should have made a significant contribution of personal time, but contributions of money, materials, and other resources may also be considered by the awards task force as well.

PSAR Friend of the Industry Award.  This award is given to a non-Realtor.  It could be an Affiliate, it could be an elected official, or another non-member.  This is a special award that may or may not be given out every year.  This award is given to someone who has made considerable contributions in service to the industry over many years.
The staff will accept anonymous nominations from the Recognition Committee, the public, PSAR Members, and or PSAR Staff. The names of individuals making nominations will remain
secret. The number of nominations shall not create an advantage for nominees. Award winners may not be the sitting President of the Association and may not be past recipients of the specific award won.

The Recognition Committee will consist of The past recipient of REALTOR® of the Year, the Broker Manager of the Year and Affiliate of the Year, the Affiliate Director, members of the Association Council, the Chair of Professional Standards (if a PSAR Member), and the Chair of the Grievance Committee. Winners will be announced at our upcoming REAL Awards in  2023. At least one runner-up will be announced.


Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS

PSAR's Mission is to empower Real Estate Professionals

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth and development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County.

Topics: Announcements, Events, Leadership

PSAR Voter Guide - Candidates for the 2022 General Election

Posted by PSAR Government Affairs on Nov 4, 2022 11:37:21 AM

Candidates for the 2022 General Election who are Pro Real Estate

Don't forget to vote by November 8th!
PSAR is a non-partisan organization. PSAR Members, and their clients, run the gamut of the political spectrum. As REALTORS® we unite to protect private property rights and promote homeownership. 

PSAR received requests to endorse in the races listed below. After vetting the positions of all of the candidates willing to submit answers to our questionnaire on issues that impact real estate, the committee determined that the following candidates are poised to protect private property rights and promote homeownership if elected:
 Nov 2022 both rows no spell check

PSAR's Mission is to empower Real Estate Professionals.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth and development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County.

Topics: Announcements, Government Affairs

DRE Real Estate Fall Bulletin Released.

Posted by Communications on Nov 1, 2022 4:12:19 PM

The California Department of Real Estate released its fall bulletin.  Check out the highlights in this quarter's issue.

In this issue:

New Required CE Coursed Now Available. Licensees renewing for the frst time on or after January 1, 2023, complete a new two-hour course in implicit bias training and a revised three-hour course in fair housing that includes an interactive participatory component

The Important Role of Enforcement in Regulating California’s Real Estate Industry  DRE posts on its website summaries of the most serious enforcement actions taken against licensees, as well as other disciplinary actions. 

Licensees Urged to Protect Themselves from ID Theft Scam  DRE recently issued a statewide Consumer Alert

DRE Stats include a 5% reduction in licensees prior to last year.  5,202 Complaints received.  67,768 exams administered.

External Audit Stats on Property Management, Broker Escrow, Mortgage Loan, and Sales.  Given DRE’s number of auditors as compared to its licensee population, audit efforts in FY 2021-22 focused on brokers who handle a high volume of trust funds. Audit cases completed during the fiscal year revealed a troubling high incidence of trust fund shortages.

Legal Activity, Enforcement, Subdivisions, Communications, and a look forward.

Learn from a wealth of information and insight provided in the Fall Real Estate Bulletin.

Click Here

California DRE Fall Bulleting link


Topics: Announcements, Brokers/Managers, Industry

Think You Know the Rules? Take the CRMLS Compliance Quiz to Find Out!

Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on Nov 1, 2022 3:38:57 PM


IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD A $2,600 fine, PLEASE do help yourself and understand the MLS rules. PSAR doesn't have any power when it comes to CRMLS fines.  The rules are made by REALTORS who serve on the CRMLS Board of Directors.

Think you know the rules? Take this Compliance Quiz.

Take the Quiz!

If you get less than 100%, think about taking some training.

It is important that you understand top MLS violations and avoid costly fines. By taking this Top Violations Overview training, you will be educated on CRMLS Rules & Regulations and fines, the CRMLS Citation Policy, and a whole lot more.

Register for Training
Looking for other training material and videos?  Look here.


PSAR's Mission is to empower Real Estate Professionals

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth, and development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County.

Topics: Announcements, Industry

Over 55, Disabled, or Victim, Can Now Save On Property taxes.

Posted by Communications on Oct 21, 2022 2:47:00 PM

Many owners who want to move within California can now transfer their lower property tax base from one property to another, anywhere in the state, The tax base transfer can save owners tens of thousands of dollars or more in taxes. 

Under Proposition 13, a home is normally appraised at its full market value at the time it is purchased. This program allows the taxable value on the original home to be transferred to the replacement home thereby preventing an increase in property tax.

The program befits owners who meet the qualifications listed here.

Homeowners Age 55+ If you're a senior, retiree, or older homeowner who feels trapped in a home that no longer fits your needs.

People With Severe Disabilities  If you live with a severe or permanent disability.

Victims of Wildfire & Natural Disasters
If you are one of the tens of thousands of Californians whose family home has been destroyed or substantially damaged by wildfire.

The new law called Proposition 19 makes it easier for you to move to another home without incurring a property tax hike.* 

Explainer Video Prepared by San Diego Chief Deputy Assessor, Jordan Marks,
and produced by the PSAR.

See the California Board of Equalization Prop 19 information page for additional details about filing checklists, guidelines, rulemaking, frequently asked questions, related legislation, deadlines, forms requirements, types of relief, intergenerational transfer exclusions, additional resources, and general property tax information.

Filing forms for Seniors and the Disabled may be found here. See the tabs "Forms"

* Always check with your tax professional to verify your particular situation prior to making financial decisions.


PSAR's mission is to empower real estate professionals.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth & development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County.

Topics: Education, Announcements, Industry


Posted by Rick Griffin on Sep 14, 2022 8:31:14 AM
Laurie MacDonald - 2024 PSAR President

Meet Laurie MacDonald, who was recently elected to serve as your 2024 PSAR President.

“Serving as President-elect in support of our 2023 President Jason Lopez, I’m looking forward to growing our association, serving our members, and continuing the good fight for property rights and homeownership,” said Laurie. “I’m a big believer in giving back, no matter how busy you are. 

Laurie is a fourth-generation San Diegan. “My great-great grandparents arrived in San Diego from Halifax, Nova Scotia, sometime in the 1890s and my great-grandmother was born here in 1909.”

Real estate is part of her family history. “My great-grandmother, the same one born in 1909, bought a house in the Normal Heights area by herself in 1939. She was a widow at the time, but a female buying a home without the assistance of a man was rare in those days,” said Laurie. “Later, my grandparents owned and operated a real estate office, called Kelly and Associates, for many years on Parkway Drive in La Mesa.”

Laurie grew up in La Mesa. She attended Murray Manor Elementary School, Parkway Middle School, and Helix High School.

During and after high school for 12 years she sold and designed swimming pools, hardscapes, and landscapes mostly in the new homes developments of San Diego.

In 2009, she opened her own bridal boutique in La Mesa, which led her to become involved and serve on the boards of the La Mesa Village Merchants Association and the La Mesa Park & Recreation Foundation, a nonprofit that raises money to enhance the city’s parks and present community events such as Sundays at Six, a summer concert series. She is currently board president of the La Mesa Park & Recreation Foundation.

“I’m a helper at heart,” said Laurie. “I’ve been involved in my community and my kids’ schools. I live by a philosophy of giving back and serving my community.”

Laurie’s career in real estate began in September 2015. She served for several years on PSAR’s Government Affairs Committee and chaired PSAR’s YPN (Young Professional Network) group for two years. She has served on PSAR’s board of directors from 2020 to 2021.

“I wouldn’t be where I am today in real estate without my involvement in PSAR,” said Laurie. “Becoming an active volunteer with PSAR has propelled my career and helped me better serve my clients.”

Throughout her upcoming term as president, Laurie says she will continue to encourage PSAR members to get more involved with their association. “The best place to be in-the-know is at the table where decisions are made,” said Laurie. That’s because the more you know, the better you can serve your clients. Thanks to PSAR, the connections and relationships you make with other realtors and real estate professionals are simply invaluable.”


PSAR's mission is to empower real estate professionals.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth & development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County.

Topics: Announcements, Industry


Posted by Rick Griffin on Sep 8, 2022 10:36:06 AM
Valerie Gardner, New PSAR Board Member

Meet Valerie Gardner, who was recently elected to a two-year term (2023-2024) on the PSAR Board of Directors.

Valerie was born at Eglin Air Force Base located in the western Florida Panhandle. She is the middle child of seven in a family of four daughters and two brothers.

Valerie’s mom was a homemaker and her father served in the United States Air Force. Her father’s Air Force career took Valerie to live in Augsburg, Germany, for elementary school, Great Falls, Montana, for middle school, and Albany, Georgia, for high school.

In high school, Valerie excelled as an athlete and was a member of the school’s track team and women’s basketball team. “I received recognition for my abilities while in all these sports,” Valerie said.

After high school, Valerie attended Troy State University in Troy, Alabama, where she graduated with a bachelor’s of science degree. Her major was criminal justice and her minor was in business.

After college, Valerie joined the United States Navy and honorably served for nine years. She worked in the Navy as an electrician, repairing motors and controllers on submarines. “I lived on the ship and carried on with my fitness and received commendations for being the fittest female sailor on the ship,” said Valerie.

After her Navy career, Valerie worked in the insurance industry for 12 years. “I started working in the claims and worked my way up to branch claims manager,” she said.

According to Valerie, “I got into real estate because I had a goal to be self-employed before I turned 40, and I have not looked back.”

She began her real estate sales career in 2001 and was honored with the Rookie of the Year award in her first year.

“Over the course of my 20 years in real estate, I have learned that is my job to be an advocate for my clients,” said Valerie. “My job is to meet them where they are, to listen and deliver on their needs, and to keep them on course.”

Valerie’s approach to real estate is also her motivation for serving on the PSAR board of directors. A friend encouraged her to run for a seat on the board and she decided to submit her name for the board election.

“My job will be to stand up for ethical and fair real estate business practices and protect private property rights, and protect the monetary investment made by our members and their clients.”

According to Valerie, “I come from a place of love and understanding and this is why I have been a successful REALTOR® in one of the toughest markets in the country to succeed. Now, I’m ready to give back to our industry and help PSAR and our members in any way that I can. My friendships with other PSAR members, as well as the great educational and networking opportunities, have been an important part of my real estate business. I encourage all of our members to expand their participation and get involved with our Association because, with PSAR, you can make a difference.”


PSAR's mission is to empower real estate professionals.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth & development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County.

Topics: Announcements, Industry