Mike Ferry Seminar: Getting Listings and Getting them Sold Quickly

Posted by Paige Campbell on Apr 1, 2019 3:09:29 PM

get listings, get them soldA great listing and sales seminar from Mike Ferry who has a proven system has helped to create more Real Estate millionaires than any other real estate coaching system for over 43 years. Hear his insights about the industry, listen to his techniques on setting yourself apart from the competition and get his perspective on market conditions. Invest in yourself AND in your future!

An event which will sell out so please claim your spot as soon as possible, limited seating available! 

 Where? NEW LOCATION!  Due to popular demand the event has been moved to: 

Regal Cinemas Rancho Del Rey 16, 1025 Tierra Del Rey, Theater 8, Chula Vista, CA 91910

When? May 30, 2019 from 9 AM - 12 PM

Cost? FREE

 Register Here 


Topics: Education, Events

April CRMLS Training Schedule

Posted by Paige Campbell on Mar 21, 2019 4:28:49 PM

Join us at the PSAR Service Center closest to you for training in Paragon Searching 101, Paragon Creating Custom Reports, ShowingTime with the MLS, and the CRMLS App!

Register for various classes below. 

CRMLS paragon search  Learn how to:
  • Create and save basic property searches and detailed map searches
  • Search by Features; including View, Pool, Terms, etc.
  • Print and email reports

Central: Thu, April 11 from 10 AM - 11 AM
Register Here

East: Wed, April 17 from 10 AM - 11 AM
Register Here

South: Tue, April 30 from 10 AM - 11 AM
Register Here

Creating Custom Reports

In this advanced class, you’ll learn how to create dynamic and custom reports using existing MLS reports and spreadsheets. Save them as favorites for quick access or set them as your default.

Central: Thu, April 11 from 11 AM - 12 PM
Register Here

East: Wed, April 17 from 11 AM - 12 PM
Register Here

South: Tue, April 30 from 11 AM - 12 PM
Register Here


ShowingTime is a tool for online scheduling and management.
  • Learn how to set up showing schedules for your listing.
  • Buyers’ agents can quickly submit a request.
  • Receive showing requests via email, phone call, or text.

Central: Thu, April 11 from 1 PM - 2 PM
Register Here

East: Wed, April 17 from 1 PM - 2 PM
Register Here

South: Tue, April 30 from 1 PM - 2 PM
Register Here

LionDesk Training  LionDesk is a simple, integrated (CRM) tool that helps you manage contacts and automate follow-up. In this class, you will learn:
  • How to collect, route, and follow up on leads
  • How to automate follow-up reminders
  • How to send direct communication to clients, including emails and texts
  • How to integrate with other CRMLS products like Cloud CMA, ShowingTime, and Remine

Central: Thu, April 11 from 1 PM - 2 PM
Register Here

East: Wed, April 17 from 1 PM - 2 PM
Register Here

South: Tue, April 30 from 1 PM - 2 PM
Register Here

Topics: Education

Learn Google Apps, Drive, Calling, Keep, Calendar & Printing

Posted by Paige Campbell on Mar 15, 2019 11:19:09 AM

maximize google appa at tech lunch an learnIf you are a Google user this class is for you! Learn how to maximize all of Google's tools for your benefit. 

What to bring?
Your electronics (laptop, tablet, phone, etc.) and your questions for the Q&A section of the course.

Who can attend?
Any REALTOR® or Affiliate in San Diego County, regardless of whether or not you’re a member of Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS®.

Wed., March 27, 2019
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
PSAR East Service Center
1150 Broadway, El Cajon, 92021

Register Here

Cost: FREE with lunch provided by our sponsor
Hosted by the PSAR Tech Committee and Sponsored by Damaris Lopez with Homebridge. 

Topics: Education

Code of Ethics Training 2019

Posted by Paige Campbell on Mar 14, 2019 12:11:34 PM


REALTORS® whose license expires in 2020 or 2021 are required to complete ethics training at least 2 hours, 30 min. of instructional time before December 31, 2019. 

The training must meet specific learning objectives and criteria established by the National Association of REALTORS®.

New REALTORs®  must complete training when they first join.  A new member who has completed the New Member Code of Ethics Orientation is not required to complete additional ethics training until the next two-year cycle.

REALTORs® who complete the required ethics training within a two-year cycle at any local association are not required to take this training again at another association. REALTORs®  may take courses to satisfy this ethics requirement through any association or outside training facility where the member can provide satisfactory documentation of completion.

Two ways to complete the required training: 

FREE online via NAR's website

Here you will see two versions of the online training. A FREE version and a Continuing Education (CE) version. The FREE version is sufficient to satisfy your requirement but if you would like to accrue credits towards your license renewal then the CE version would be the best for you. 

PSAR does not have access to your NAR login credentials. If you have already created an account with NAR and cannot access it please use the "Forgot Password" function to retrieve the password. You may find your NRDS ID by using NAR's "Find your NRDS ID" function. 


PSAR's FREE Live Training

Register for training at a service center near you! 

December 13th - South, 9:40 AM - 12:20 PM

Topics: Education

Understanding the RPA

Posted by Paige Campbell on Mar 12, 2019 5:01:39 PM

Understanding the RPAThe Residential Purchase Agreement (RPA) is the roadmap to a successful real estate transaction. As market conditions and laws change, it is important to review how these changes impact guiding your client through the intricacies of the RPA. Get detailed guidance in interpreting the RPA to better serve and protect both yourself and YOUR CLIENTS.

Don't believe us on how useful this course is? Take it from a PSAR Member and Past President, Sarah Heck, "It doesn't matter if you are new to the industry, or a seasoned agent...I guarantee you will learn something new when you attend Niki Coppa's forms class." 

Training Details: 
Thursday, March 28th, 2019
12:30 PM - 5:00 PM

PSAR South Service Center
880 Canarios Ct., Chula Vista, 91910

FREE for members of PSAR and NSDCAR
Non-members: $20


Topics: Education

CANCELLED: WORKING WITH BUYERS - List & Sell Commercial Investment

Posted by Paige Campbell on Mar 7, 2019 3:58:23 PM

MichaelSimpsonAre you prepared to have the conversation with an investor that leads to a lucrative deal? 

During this 1-day Introductory Course you will learn: 

  • How to Reach Sellers with Massive portfolios without having a single listing
  • How investors make buying decisions
  • How to qualify prospects in 3 minutes or less
  • The 4 most effective systems to get clients
  • How to calculate GRM, CAP, ROI, ROE, Expenses, and Vacancy factors

And much more! In addition, you will earn 7 CEU credits and the opportunity to hear from Founder/Senior Instructor Michael Simpson. 

If you met a commercial investor today and would not know what to say, this course will teach you how to win their business! 

Event Details: Monday, April 15th, 2019
Time: 9 AM - 5 PM | PSAR South Service Center
880 Canarios Ct. Chula Vista, 91910
Cost: $64.97 for Members and Non-Members

Space is limited. 

Topics: Education

Discover the why behind Professional Standars - Pro Standards Training

Posted by Paige Campbell on Mar 4, 2019 12:38:56 PM

professional  standardsProfessional Standards Training hosted by PSAR and NSDCAR. 

What will the participants gain?

  • Effectively navigate the Mediation, Arbitration and Ethics Disciplinary Processes. 
  • Understand Arbitration and Mediation.  
  • Learn how the Association enforces the NAR code of ethics.
  • Discover what the Grievance Committee looks for when reviewing complaints.
  • Understand procuring cause in a commission dispute.
  • The role of the Board of Directors in a review hearings

Details of the event: 
PSAR CENTRAL | 4340 GENESEE AVE #203, SD, 92117

**Attendees of both days are eligible to join the PSAR/NSDCAR Professional Standards Committee.

  • Hearing panels are selected from the Professional Standards Committee.
  • PSAR new Board Members are required to attend both days.
  • Returning Board Members are required to attend the Friday meeting every 2 years.
  • PSAR New and Existing Grievance Committee members must attend the first day of training.
  • New Professional Standards committee members must attend both days of training.   
  • Existing Professional Standards committee members must attend the Friday training every two years.



Topics: Education

PSAR making a difference with granny flat regulations

Posted by Rick Griffin on Mar 1, 2019 5:00:17 PM

Granny flats

Congratulations to members of the PSAR Governmental Affairs Committee. Their recent efforts were rewarded this past week with two major victories before the La Mesa City Council on Feb. 26 and the San Diego County Board of Supervisors on Feb. 27.

On the dockets of both governmental bodies was the hot topic of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (JADUs), commonly referred to as “granny flats.”

PSAR is in favor of property owners who want to expand the use of their property by building granny flats on lots with existing homes as a way to address the region’s housing supply and affordability crisis.

Granny flat units, typically smaller than standard homes, are second homes built on the same lot as an existing single-family house. Often, these secondary units are constructed by homeowners in backyards or above garages of single-family residences. They can be used for family members or rented out as a source of income for homeowners.

Granny flats also represent perhaps the easiest and quickest way to provide additional affordable housing options to local residents. When it comes to housing that will help all of San Diego, PSAR is in favor of making the ADU regulations more streamlined so homeowners can cut through the thick red tape of processing the construction of new, smaller rental units.

Current state regulations allow granny flats to be up to 1,200 square feet in size. They can be attached to, or built separate from, full-sized homes on the same parcel. They can include kitchens, bathrooms, living areas and private entrances. They cannot be sold as individual homes, but they can be rented out by homeowners or used to provide additional living space for family members, friends, students, the elderly, the disabled or in-home health care providers. Properties must meet all zoning requirements, such as setbacks that meet fire safety and building codes.

Speaking at the recent La Mesa City Council meeting on behalf of PSAR were Robert Calloway, 2019 PSAR President, Rebecca Pollack-Rude, co-chair of the PSAR Governmental Affairs Committee and Tracy Morgan Hollingworth, PSAR’s Government Affairs Director. Before a packed Council chamber, the La Mesa Council members were considering changes to simplify their secondary unit ordinance.

With the approval of PSAR, the La Mesa City Council unanimously adopted on first reading the following ADU guidelines (all of these were recommended by PSAR):

-- Allow ADUs to be built on any property with an existing single-family home or where a single-family home is permitted to be built.

-- Allow ADUs on properties with existing duplexes.

-- Preserve historical resources by requiring ADUs to be behind any historic properties.

-- Allow ADUs to be up to 1,200 square feet, regardless of the size of the primary.

-- No requirements to record covenants on property associated with ADUs.

-- No expensive dedication of right of way improvements for properties investing in ADUs.

-- Streamlined ministerial approval, including in overlays areas that usually require discretionary review.

Robert, Rebecca and Tracy told La Mesa City Council members that ADU development will encourage property owners who want to better utilize their homes in order to provide living quarters to students, seniors and others on fixed incomes who want a decent place to live.

La Mesa’s new set of regulations for granny flats will, in some cases, make the city’s rules more lenient than state requirements. A second reading for La Mesa’s ordinance will be heard March 5 before the new rules will take effect 30 days later.

A second victory this past week occurred at the February 27th Board of Supervisors meeting. The Supervisors were considering similar changes to conform to the state law in order to pave the way for more ADUs. The Board was considering a requirement for their ADU code to require owner occupancy for one of the buildings on a lot, which PSAR was recommending against.

Fortunately, the good news is that the Supervisors decided to remove the owner-occupancy requirement following testimony from PSAR’s Tracy Morgan Hollingworth.

Tracy said both La Mesa and County officials were grateful for PSAR’s assistance and guidance on their ADU policy decisions. In both instances, it was a victory to provide more housing at what could be an affordable price and provide seniors and families additional income to make ends meet from ADU unit rentals.

PSAR will work with both La Mesa and the County to help homeowners know how to process ADU units in local workshops so homeowners can bring their ideas to local government officials and see if their property can accommodate a new ADU.

 “I’m very proud that both government bodies went with our recommendations,” said Robert Calloway, PSAR President. “I don’t know of any other local real estate organization that gave their support to these local jurisdictions.”

“I am proud of be part of PSAR and the role we played with the ADU ordinances,” said Ditas Yamane, co-chair, Governmental Affairs Committee. “ADUs are smart growth tools for providing access to more affordable housing. They’re part of the solution in response to changing households. Removing ADU regulatory barriers is a benefit to our entire community. There is a housing crisis going on and we cannot look away.”

“There is not much build-able land in La Mesa and ADUs are  a good fit to help the housing crisis and keep San Diegans in San Diego and not moving out of the state,” said Rebecca Pollack-Rude, co-chair, Governmental Affairs Committee.  

PSAR members also have worked closely with the City of Chula Vista to reduce ADU fees and streamline their regulations. In January 2019, the County Board of Supervisors voted to waive fees for homeowners building accessory units on their property. Last May, the City of San Diego voted unanimously to slash ADU granny flat building fees by more than 60 percent.

Topics: Education, Industry


Posted by Paige Campbell on Feb 28, 2019 5:37:16 PM

understanding changes in the tax code 

PSAR's Global Real Estate Council will be hosting a seminar reviewing the changes to the tax code covering How 2019 Changes will affect 2020 Taxes, Changes to the Standard Deduction, Tax-deferred exchanges, Phaseout of Child Tax Credit, Prop 60 and 90, and more.

This seminar will be instructed by Marizel Secuya-De Castro, CMA, CPA and Jordan Z. Marks, Esq, Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk. 

It will be held on Tuesday, March 26th from 10:15 AM - 11:30 AM at our Central Service Center located at 4340 Genesee Ave. #203, San Diego, 92117. 



Topics: Education

Risk Management Advisory - REALTOR Broker Only Event

Posted by Paige Campbell on Feb 28, 2019 2:34:29 PM


Risk can be expensive for any real estate company. Attend this advisory to learn about issues other Brokers have faced so that you can avoid making the same mistakes. These meetings will be facilitated by Broker, Nikki Coppa.  Ms. Coppa currently serves on numerous leadership committees for both the C.A.R and NAR.

New & Recurring Legal Claims to be aware of
Hottest C.A.R. Legal Hotline Questions

Upcoming Event on Thursday October 3rd, 2019:



Topics: Education, Brokers/Managers