PSAR is encouraging all of our members, and all San Diego-area real estate industry professionals, to exercise their right to vote in the upcoming election. Your vote counts!
PSAR has an active and vital group of REALTOR® members who serve on the PSAR Government Affairs (GA) Committee. The GA Committee has three subcommittees that focus on specific geographical areas of the county.
GA Committee members offer political endorsements, and act as political advocates and review public policy and its impact on the PSAR membership in particular and the real estate industry as a whole. In addition, GA Committee members address a variety of complex and multi-dimensional issues impacting the protection of private property rights.
GA Committee members are acutely aware of the importance of voting, even more so in this upcoming general election. The stakes are high. If issues and candidates affecting your realtor business and the industry itself matter to you, then it matters that you vote on them.
With early voting underway, GA Committee members were recently asked about the importance of voting. Below are their comments (names appear in alphabetical order, some quotes were edited for clarity).
-- “Our committee is made up of Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and others. We research, conduct interviews, review questionnaires, and our decisions are primarily based upon the notion of property rights, expanding homeownership, rights of tenants, and the rights of owners of commercial and rental properties. We will endorse candidates whom we feel best support these values over their opponents. It’s important to elect leaders who will work with REALTORS®. We all have our own choices of candidates, but we hope by supporting pro-real estate candidates and propositions, it might help influence voters who agree with us that property rights and the expansion of homeownership are essential to all Americans.” -- Mike Anderson
“Democracy is vital to real estate. If people don't vote, then it’s the corporations and banks that set policy that affects your ability to buy a home. When you vote, you make your voice heard. Be a voice for our communities where we can work towards a country where everyone has the opportunity to be a homeowner.” -- Deirdre Bramberg
--“ I sat with my family and we reviewed each proposition and discussed ones we were not clear on. Let’s use the voting season to engage and unite families.” -- Jeff Campbell
-- “Elected officials are political beings. They listen to the people in the communities who vote and they also listen to the people and organizations who contribute resources that allow them to reach out to those voters. Making sure your voice is heard as a voter is every bit as important as for whom you vote. Communities and neighborhoods with high voting percentages attract more attention and resources. Citizens who vote have a voice with politicians and those who do not vote have no voice." -- Richard D’Ascoli, Chief Executive Officer, PSAR
-- “It is a civic duty to vote and every single vote makes a difference. As a citizen of the country, the right to vote is one of the freedoms the county gives its people. It is a chance for our voice to be heard and an opportunity to select the leaders we believe have the ability to represent us in our government.” -- Merrie Espina.
-- “Each PSAR member should exercise their right and obligation to vote. In this election, as in most elections, your future earnings, your tax obligations, and the laws that enable or hobble our industry are all in play. PSAR, C.A.R. and NAR can all be influential as supporting organizations, focusing on critical policy issues. But, in the final analysis, it is your individual vote and the power of our collective votes that will select our elected officials and establish the policies that impact our lives and our business environment for years to come.” -- William Hall
-- “Our votes this election are more important than ever as our region, state and country stand at a pivotal time. PSAR’s Governmental Affairs Committee, as well as C.A.R. and NAR, spend a lot of time each election interviewing and weighing which candidates and propositions uphold basic property rights. REALTOR® endorsements have been made available to all of our members and we hope that you will read and consider the recommendations when you cast your votes as you believe best represents your views.” Kay LeMenager
-- “In all areas of life having your opportunity to vote is of utmost importance. I feel it is our duty as Americans to make voting a serious commitment in support of the sacrifice of those before us to fight for our right to do so. My children were educated to study the propositions and follow the federal, state and local elections and vote from the age they became eligible. It starts with us as parents to lead by example.” -- Colleen McDade
-- “It’s very important to get out there and vote. Many people complain about the results, but if you don't vote, don’t complain. Every vote counts, so do your part and get out there and vote.” -- Patricia McFadden
-- “Voting is how we convey our desires for change. Please exercise your right to vote with the goal of making a better today and tomorrow for us all.” -- Paul Moses
-- “Every vote really does matter. Just last cycle, San Diego District 8 primary was decided by 3 votes, my college board race was decided by 23 votes. Vote and get your friends and family to vote, too.” -- Rafael A. Perez
-- “I am involved in Government Affairs and I try to be as active as I can be in politics is because it does have an impact on our industry. One can be part of the problem or the solution. I can stand by and complain or I can do what I can do to act. Rome was not built in a day, and as we all know California has its issues which have a direct impact on our business. Be impactful and relevant. Part of doing that is reading the voters guide and voting. It’s common sense, do nothing and one can only expect nothing. So, why not be relevant and do something.” -- Rebecca Pollack-Rude
-- “I’ve been a member of the Government Affairs Committee for many years because I believe the grass roots portion of our local governments are truly the roots of our way of life as it pertains to the freedoms that are rightfully ours. Voting is the most important right and freedom that, as a U.S. citizen, we enjoy, or should enjoy. The committee is a way to hear from our peers, our local government officials and the candidates at various levels of government who have an impact at every level of our community life, and most especially as it pertains to housing and private property rights. In this unprecedented time of pandemic, the value of the roof over our head has never been more in the spotlight. Personally, I’ve grown to appreciate greatly our rights as individuals, as members of our local communities, our country and lately as a member of humankind. Register to vote, inform yourself. Make choices because you understand the issues and the candidates, not because someone else told you that it’s the best way or the only way or just because. Exercise your most valuable right. Vote and understand and appreciate that right.” -- Pat Russiano
-- “I have always felt that it is one’s responsibility to be knowledgeable regarding the election process, issues and then vote. I taught my children and now grandchildren that they have a responsibility as a citizen of the United States of America to vote.” -- Norma J. Scantlin
-- “Our GA Committee spends a lot of time vetting our recommendations with input from REALTORS® from various backgrounds and party affiliations. Please let your voice be heard and vote. If nothing else, vote NO on the real estate related propositions 15, 19 and 21.” -- Mark Scott
-- “I have never once missed the honor and the obligation to vote. It is the glue that binds us as Americans, giving us the confidence that we are a nation guided by the rule of law. It is fundamental to the American success story and to our sense of pride in being an American.” -- Mitch Thompson
-- “As a REALTOR® Party member, 2021 PSAR President-Elect, and as an individual, I care deeply about the future of our country. I know first-hand that our vote is needed in this election more than ever before. Your GA committee and the PSAR Board of Directors have spent a great deal of time to vet all PSAR endorsed candidates. I hope that you would consider these candidates as you cast your vote. The future of our country is in our hands. Please vote.” -- Max Zaker
Our Mission is to empower Realtors to flourish while being accountable to each other
our clients and our community.
Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth & development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County. This program is only open to REALTORS® and PSAR Affiliate Members. There is no cost for attending this program.