Kevin McElroy

Recent Posts

Start 2021 by Growing Your Business - CRMLS Classes

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Dec 14, 2020 1:45:00 PM

CRMLS January Classes
Start 2021 on a great foot with training in tools you need and use. CRMLS has put together class rooms on zoom to help teach some of the free tools our members have access to as part of PSAR. 

January 14 | 10:00 am Free CRMLS Benefits Overview
Register Here

Are you aware of the multitude of free CRMLS user benefits you have at your disposal? Let us educate you on the systems and products that are available to you as a CRMLS user so you can leverage them to your advantage.

This presentation will include a snapshot of each product and service that CRMLS offers to its members. Take control of your business and reap the benefits of CRMLS.

Benefits include:
• Support 7 days a week
• Education and training available in person and online
• 20+ state-of-the-art real estate products, many at no additional cost

January 20 | 10:00 am Get down to business with CRMLS Essentials
Register Here

This course will provide you with an overview and solid foundation on how to use the CRMLS Paragon platform. Whether you are a new real estate professional, or getting back into the business, this course is a great place to start. In this course, you will learn:

• What’s on the Home Page
• How to set up your email signature, photos, and message
• How to create, save, print, and email basic property searches

January 26 | 10:00 am Arm yourself with the power of the MLS - Homesnap
Register Here Homesnap Pro is a robust, agent-only version of Homesnap that offers real-time MLS data to mobile and desktop users, arming them with the power of their MLS whether they are in the field or at the office. Homesnap Pro gives agents the flexibility to research homes, contact agents, and communicate instantly with clients from any modern device. Agents and consumers can use Homesnap Pro to seamlessly share real estate information and communicate directly.

In this class, you will learn:
• How to get started with a Homesnap account
• How to search for listings
• How to generate Rapid CMA reports
• How to communicate with clients and other agents
• How to photograph homes to learn valuable property data about them


Have Questions / Need help - Call: 619-421-7811

Workshops are open to all REALTORS and Affiliated Members regardless of association membership.
All these classes are free of charge.

PSAR's Mission is to empower Realtors to flourish while being accountable to each other,
our clients, and our community.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth and development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County.

Topics: Education

Crazy year! What's Next? - 2021 Housing Forecast

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Nov 2, 2020 2:45:00 PM

Steven Thomas 2021 SoCal Housing Forecast

Wednesday | November 18th, 2020
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM


Come see where we are headed for 2021

  • Will the HOT housing market last?
  • Due to unemployment and forbearance, will there be a wave of foreclosures?
  • Will interest move up or down?
  • When will buyers have any transaction leverage?

Bringing his Quantitative Economics and Decision Sciences background coupled with
his years of experience in the real estate field as a REALTOR®, broker, and executive of a multi-office real estate franchise to bear, Steven Thomas delivers a report that encapsulates the status of the current real estate market.

Steven has been quoted by:

Steven Thomas Reports On

Wednesday | November 18th, 2020
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM



Topics: Events, Market Information, Industry

become a stronger agent - CRMLS 'Fitness' classes

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Oct 20, 2020 10:30:00 AM

CRMLS live classes

CRMLS has put together class rooms on zoom meeting to help teach some of the free tools our members have access to as part of PSAR.

November 12 | 10:00 am Less time Searching more time selling (Paragon tips)
Register Here

Learn how to perform time-saving search techniques to help target listings that fit your clients’ needs. Also, you will learn additional tips on other MLS products, including how to search listings using your mobile phone. Subjects include:

  • Power Search
  • Customize Quick & Detailed Search Templates
  • Map Searching Techniques
  • Search Remarks using key words
  • Farming Foreclosures
  • Homesnap Pro Mobile – Commute Time Search
November 18 | 10:00 am Work Smarter from your Phone (Homesnap)
Register Here

Homesnap Pro is a robust, agent-only version of Homesnap that offers real-time MLS data to mobile and desktop users, arming them with the power of their MLS whether they are in the field or at the office. Homesnap Pro gives agents the flexibility to research homes, contact agents, and communicate instantly with clients from any modern device. Agents and consumers can use Homesnap Pro to seamlessly share real estate information and communicate directly. Learn;

  • How to get started with a Homesnap account
  • How to search for listings
  • How to generate Rapid CMA reports
  • How to communicate with clients and other agents
  • How to photograph homes to learn valuable property data about them
November 24 | 10:00 am  How to find Just listed/sold or Open Houses (Hot Sheets)
Register Here

Need to know what’s back on the market, just listed, or sold? . Learn how to:

  • Build and save your Hotsheets
  • Choose the best report to show the results
  • Search for properties on a Broker Tour or Open House
  • How to add your properties to one or both.


Have Questions / Need help - Call: 619-421-7811

Workshops are open to all REALTORS and Affiliated Members regardless of association membership. All classes are free of charge.


PSAR's Mission is to empower Realtors to flourish while being accountable to each other, our clients, and our community.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth and development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County.

Topics: Education

Work Better - Tips & Tricks for zipForms - Tech Lunch & Learn

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Oct 15, 2020 3:52:40 PM


An advanced Tech Lunch & Learn workshop on zipForms®.

Automate using Templates and data tools to...
      • Get contracts and disclosures signed faster
      • Create legible disclosures
      • Generate Contracts faster and more accurately

Have your laptop or preferred electronic device handy so you can follow along.

Wednesday, October 28th
11:30am - 1:00pm


Or Call: 619-421-7811


PSAR's Mission is to empower Realtors to flourish while being accountable to each other
our clients and our community.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth & development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County. This program is only open to REALTORS® and PSAR Affiliate Members.
There is no cost for attending this program.

Topics: Education

Property Management in the Here and Now

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Oct 13, 2020 11:00:00 AM

PSAR Property Management Forum

Our Guest speaker, attorney Tracey Merrell*, will give a legal perspective on current events pertaining to COVID-19 protocols that have created many new challenges for property management professionals.  Along with Tracey, we have assembled our distinguished panel of speakers who will facilitate a discussion on best practices, and answer your questions about how to continue operating during this pandemic.

Friday | October 30th | 9:00 am
Zoom Discussion

Discussion Topics

Eviction during Covid-19 (AB3088 - Tenant Relief Act)
• "Price Gouging Law” due to recent fires and COVID
• Just Cause Evictions
Rent Cap Restrictions

Speakers for the event:

    • Tracey Merrell - Attorney from Kimball, Tirey & St. John law firm
    • Brad Wilson - REALTOR®
    • Eric Sutton - REALTOR®
    • Molly Kirkland - SCRHA Public Affairs Director
    • Mark Scott - REALTOR®, President for CA Chapter of NARPM,
                                               Past President of PSAR

This forum is intended for the benefit of PSAR members who practice property management, but is open to all active PSAR members.  We respect differences in opinions on any of the subject matter.  Out of respect to our guest speakers and other participants, we reserve the right to remove anyone from the meeting who intentionally disrupts the meeting.

*Tracey Merrell is the Managing Attorney of Education for Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP. She began her career representing banks in post-foreclosure evictions throughout all 58 counties in California.  She is experienced in all aspects of litigation, from the development of case strategy, through discovery, depositions, motion practice, and trials including bench and jury.  Ms. Merrell transitioned to the Education Department to further her goal of providing training and knowledge to both clients and staff.  


Thank you to our Sponsor: 

KernKey Locksmith and Key Services


PSAR's Mission is to empower Realtors to flourish while being accountable to each other
our clients and our community.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth & development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County. This program is only open to REALTORS® and PSAR Affiliate Members.
There is no cost for attending this program.

Topics: Education

Be Prepared - Avoid Incurring 'No Warning' MLS Fines

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Oct 7, 2020 3:41:18 PM

CRMLS - Compliance DiscussionsCRMLS Compliance Discussions

Paragon users: join a webinar on Top Compliance Violations

MLS users have been through a period of relaxed compliance enforcement while transitioning the MLS system. To ensure a healthy real estate market and a level playing field for MLS subscribers, CRMLS Compliance will soon ramp up enforcement of the rules and regulations.

To make sure everyone is prepared, the CRMLS Compliance will present a series of online webinars on Top Violations and how to avoid them. These topics will be reviewed:

• Common rules violations you may not know about.
• New NAR mandated Clear Cooperation Policy rules and avoiding mistakes.
• Enhance understanding of the system and why Brokers made these rules.
• Tips on how to avoid common mistakes that will result in costly citations
• Where the CRMLS rules & regulations and fines originate
• CRMLS citation review process

Thursdays - October 8th, 15th, 22nd and
October 29th
Register for 10:00 AM     Register for 1:00 PM

MLS Compliance Center web-page

You can find an article outlining the Top 5 Most Common Violations - HERE

To list Coming Soon Status you must have this from signed by Seller

The MLS rules & regulations are necessary to protect your rights as a real estate professional and preserve the accuracy of MLS data. But no one wants to receive a citation for an MLS rules violation. 

Topics: Education, Brokers/Managers

How to build a Warrior's Mindset

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Sep 30, 2020 2:15:00 PM

Join us and motivational speaker Sandra Gonzalez Sandra Gonzalez guest speaker for YPN

"How to build a Warrior's Mindset by building unshakeable confidence so you can be seen as a Leader."

Friday | October 16th | 4:00 pm
The last Wine-Down YPN event of the year

Sandra's presentation will help develop self confidence so we are not resistant to change and can deal with adversity.

Sandra Gonzalez teaching

Sandra is an international speaker and warrior coach who empowers entrepreneurs to become, "Warriors not worriers." She infuses her 20 years of military experience into her coaching methodology, and helps them develop a "Warrior's mindset." Having emotional, physical, and mental toughness is key to their success in both the personal and professional aspect.

Sandra has spoken in Dubai, Miami, Austin, and currently resides in San Diego, California with her family.

Learn more about Sandra at

Thank You to our Wake-Up YPN Sponsor

aftermath extermination

and Thank You to our Annual Sponsors 

Rancho Ted         Guaranteed Rate      California Preferred Escrow

Topics: Education, YPN

Make some Room - PSAR shredding Event

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Sep 21, 2020 3:47:31 PM

PSAR and Proshred Security are hosting
a FREE Shredding Event


 it's easy to do the right thing while
you make some room

Wednesday | October 7th | 10:00am - 1:00pm

Bring your shredding to:
PSAR East Parking Lot  •
 1150 Broadway, El Cajon, CA 92021

This will be Drive-up and Drop-off protocol
Please stay in the car until your vehicle is called up to the drop off area.
Please have your masks on upon arrival.

ACCEPTED SHREDDING - 10 BOX MAXIMUM (per company or business)*

All Paper • File Folders • Hanging Files • Checkbooks • Magazines • Notepads • Envelopes

*For larger shredding needs ProShred will offer a discount rate at Convoy location the day of our event.
Arrangements must be made in advance. There will be no exceptions at the event.

(There will not be recycling of electronics at this event)

If you have any questions you can reach us at (619) 579-0333

Thank you to our Sponsors

 ProShred Security San Diego                             MI-BOX Moving & Mobile Storage Block
     Todd Hoover                                               Kyle Taylor

      Farmer Insurance                Marcco flood Restoration              Intercap Lending    

                Bob Hillard                           Marco Calderon                             Cristen Carver               

   aftermath extermination         indepth_logo-1          Old Republic home protection     
         Raymundo Gill                                  Garry Gramling                           Debra Yatsko 



Topics: Education

Increase the strength of your business - CRMLS Virtual classes

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Sep 18, 2020 3:56:26 PM

CRMLS live classes

CRMLS has put together class rooms on zoom meeting to help teach some of the free tools our members have access to as part of PSAR.

September 29th | 10:00 am Need to complete a CMA quickly? (Paragon CMA)
Register Here

Being able to create a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) presentation for your clients and potential clients is one of the most important competencies a real estate professional can demonstrate.

In this class, we will educate you on the following:
• How to develop colorful and comprehensive CMA Presentations
• How to save time by setting up your CMA preferences
• How to quickly create a CMA

October 8th | 10:00 am Powerful, accurate data at your fingertips (Paragon CRS Tax)
Register Here

 Learn how CRS Tax can put powerful, accurate data at your fingertips. Search properties throughout California, with cutting-edge technology that provides agents and brokers the tools needed to identify, understand, and act based on that data.

  • Set up your profile and personalized branding
  • Create Basic or Map Searches; find properties in Default
  • Create a CMA in two clicks
October 21st | 10:00 am The money is in the follow-up (LionDesk)
Register Here

LionDesk is a simple, integrated customer relationship management (CRM) tool designed for real estate professionals that helps you manage contacts and automate follow-up all in one central hub.
In this class, you will learn:

  • How to collect, route, and follow up on leads
  • How to automate follow-up reminders
  • How to send direct communication to clients, including emails and texts
  • How to integrate with other CRMLS products like Cloud CMA, ShowingTime, and Remine
October 27th | 10:00 am Create your own mobile-friendly website within Paragon
Register Here

 Learn how to set up automatic notifications and invite your contacts to view real-time property information on your mobile-friendly website from the Paragon platform. No third-party agents, just your branding. In this class, we will cover:

  • Setting up your Preferences and About Me pages
  • Viewing your contacts’ saved searches, comments, and their Favorite, Possible, and Rejected properties
  • Understanding the benefits of Agent Preview


Have Questions / Need help - Call: 619-421-7811

Workshops are open to all REALTORS and Affiliated Members regardless of association membership. All classes are free of charge.


Our Mission is to empower Realtors to flourish while being accountable to each other,
our clients, and our community.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth and development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County.

Topics: Education

Join us for the YPN RE-Mix! Learn how to make cocktails for charity!

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Sep 11, 2020 4:53:31 PM

YPN RE-Mix for Charity

Join us for the YPN Virtual RE-Mix, where we will learn how to  make cocktails with a Mixologist from The Riviera Supper Club and Turquoise Room all in the name of Charity.  All proceeds will go to the Alpha Project!

Friday | September 18th | 3:00 pm
      Join the Event      

All are welcome! If you can't make it Donate Here.

Prior to the event you will want to make sure you have the ingredients on hand to mix with us.

Our Mixoligist is: Amanda


Constellation Brands



Mi CAMPO Tequila


Mi Campo Palma
Mi Campo Blanco Tequila
Sparkling Grapefruit soda
Grapefruit Peel



Svedka vodka
Svedka Cucumber Cooler
Svedka Vodka

Fresh cucumber slices

Lime wedges

Soda Water



High West Distillery


High West Traditional Old Fashioned

Ice (Pro=Tip: Large cube or round Ice)

High West Double Rye 
Simple syrup

Angostura Bitters

Orange peel

Luxardo chery




Friday | September 18th | 3:00 pm

      Join the Event      

Please visit The Riviera Supper Club through the end of September and try one of these cocktails in person! They will donate $1 to the Alpha Project for each drink ordered.

or to donate money for a great cause please donate here!

Alpha ProjectAlpha Project is a non-profit 501(c)(3) human services organization that serves over 4,000 men, women, and children each day with services such as affordable housing, basic and emergency services for the homeless, transportation assistance, and many more. Their mission is to empower individuals, families, and communities by providing work, recovery and support services to people who are motivated to change their lives and achieve self-sufficiency. Alpha Project

Thank You to our Annual YPN Sponsors

Rancho Ted

Guaranteed Rate
California Preferred Escrow
American Pacific Mortgage    

Topics: Education, YPN