Kevin McElroy

Recent Posts

The Money is in The Follow-Up: Tech Lunch & Learn

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Sep 9, 2020 3:31:51 PM


While leads are essential to any business, the fact of the matter is that the real money is in the FOLLOW- UP. Creating a consistently full pipeline requires more than lead generation. It requires lead nurturing. Because, at the end of the day, if you don’t follow-up and stay top-of-mind with your clients, SOMEONE ELSE WILL.

Now that we agree that the Real Money is made in the follow-up, let’s learn how to make follow up easy. It should be consistent, automated and above all, authentic. That is where LionDesk comes in.  

Mike White will show you ways to use follow-up tools to keep yourselves in the minds of your past clients. So you are the one they contact when they need to sell/buy again.

Here are some tips and resources to check-out. Bring your questions to the class.


Wednesday, September 30th
11:30 am  |  Zoom Class



PSAR's Mission is to empower REALTORS® to flourish while being accountable to
each other, our clients, and our community.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth and development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County. Workshops are open to all REALTORS® and Affiliated Members. This class is free of charge.

Topics: Education

Increase Your Monthly Income with Multitaskr

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Aug 27, 2020 1:12:12 PM

We empower you through education, financial solutions, and technology for any of your home service needs, all in one place.MultitaskrHomeowners who invest on home improvement and periodic maintenance services save more than $1,200/yr on emergency repairs, compared to those who decide not to.

Tuesday, September 22nd
10:00 am - 11:00 am

Why we’re better

Personalized guidance every step of the way

  Hand-picked certified pros for your project

 Tailored financing solutions

 The success of our customers is always our focus


Topics for the meeting:

• How to Add $10,000.00 /month
• Multitaskr Referral Program
• Multitaskr Services for Realtors
• Multitaskr Digital Home Services
• Multitaskr Inspections
• Multitaskr Capital
• Multitaskr Services to earn on referrals
• Multitaskr Construction
• Multitaskr Landscape
• Multitaskr Solar
• Multitaskr Insurance
• Commission Structures

Tuesday, September 22nd
10:00 am - 11:00 am
zoom meeting

Questions? Call: 619-421-7811

PSAR's Mission is to empower Realtors to flourish while being accountable to
each other, our clients, and our community.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth and development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County. Workshops are open to all REALTORS® and Affiliated Members. This class is free of charge.

Topics: Education

Join us for the 2nd Annual RExpo 2020

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Aug 26, 2020 8:27:55 AM

Real Estate Expo 2nd Annual

PSAR is Co-Sponsoring RExpo, a one day virtual educational event featuring:

Keynote Speaker, Erin Brockovich!

Monday, September 14th
9:00 am - 3:00 pm

$20 Members and Non-Members

Program includes:

• Global Panel: Leveling the Playing Field with Global Proptech
• Developing a mindset of Creativity & Confidence During Times of Chaos
• C.A.R. Legal Update
• Women's Powerhouse Panel
• U.S. Top Producers' Secrets to Success
• Political Skills: Navigating your Career and Professional Relationships
• Four Steps to Success: Logic, Leverage, Loyalty and Love (Erin Brockovich)

Additional speakers include:

John Murray
Kamille Rose Soler
Jay Barbuto
Gov. Hutchinson
Eileen Oldroyd
Shannon McGahn
Jennifer Branchini
Leslie Rouda Smith
Tyler Thompson
Jeff Turner
Lynette Keyowski

Monday, September 14th
9:00 am - 3:00 pm  |  Zoom 


$20 Members and Non-Members



PSAR's Mission is to empower Realtors to flourish while being accountable to each other,
our clients, and our community.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth and development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County. Workshops are open to all
REALTORS® and Affiliated Members. 

Topics: Education

Gain a Competitive Edge - CRMLS Virtual classes

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Aug 21, 2020 2:00:00 PM

CRMLS live classes

CRMLS has put together class rooms on zoom meeting to help teach some of the free tools our members have access to as part of PSAR.

September 10th | 10:00 am Get more out of your property searches (Paragon Advanced Searching)
Register Here

If you’ve mastered the basic search, this course will take your skills to the next level. Learn how to create enhanced search templates and set them as your default, and how to search by:
• Property Features
• Map
• Multiple Addresses
• Key Words.
Customize your search results spreadsheet, as well.

September 16th | 10:00 am Visually WOW your clients with your knowledge (Infosparks)
Register Here

InfoSparks gives you the ability to visually communicate the reality of the market through charts that combine local geography and numerous housing variables. Fully integrated with CRMLS Matrix, InfoSparks has over a million possible data reporting combinations. In this class, you will learn how to use this clean, easy-to-understand interface that places fresh market perspectives into visually pleasing graphs.

September 29th | 10:00 am Need to complete a CMA quickly? (Paragon CMA)
Register Here Being able to create a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) presentation for your clients and potential clients is one of the most important competencies a real estate professional can demonstrate.

In this class, we will educate you on the following:
• How to develop colorful and comprehensive CMA Presentations
• How to save time by setting up your CMA preferences
• How to quickly create a CMA


Have Questions / Need help - Call: 619-421-7811

Workshops are open to all REALTORS and Affiliated Members regardless of association membership. All classes are free of charge.


Our Mission is to empower Realtors to flourish while being accountable to each other,
our clients, and our community.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth & development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County. Workshops are open to all REALTORS® and Affiliated Members. This class is free of charge.

Topics: Education

Connect with Anyone in video calls and phone conversations

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Aug 18, 2020 11:45:53 AM

Mike specializes in teaching how to...Become a Strategic Influential Communicator! Blog_200821_YPN-1

Friday | August 21st | 4:00 pm

        Join Us        

Connect with Anyone in 90 Seconds or Less video calls and phone conversations
Mike Aguilera

Discover how to influence with your body motions, eye movement, voice and questions you can ask during phone or video calls.


Mike Aguilera is a communication expert specializing in subconscious communication techniques and rapport-building skills for business, leadership, persuasion and influence.

He is a speaker, author of Connect with Anyone in 90 Seconds or Less and The Art of Networking. Mike is also an executive coach and is a frequent guest on radio and TV programs across the country. 

He has been invited to conduct more than 1,000 international presentations and workshops at major conventions, associations, and companies such as Apple Computer, Sun Microsystems, Cisco, IBM, Netscape/AOL, HP, PG&E, McDonald's Restaurants, Hilton Hotels, Lockheed, and Intel. 


How to Have Effective, Persuasive - Videos  - Zoom - Facebook any Videos and Phone Calls


...get more YESES. Influence more people to take action.



Thank You to our Wake-Up YPN Sponsor

aftermath extermination

and Thank You to our Annual Sponsors 

Rancho Ted       Guaranteed Rate      California Preferred Escrow

Topics: Education, YPN

Attorney's Guide to using the California RPA

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Aug 12, 2020 2:08:51 PM

Buyers and sellers need and expect to know what their rights and obligations are once they enter into a real estate contract. That is as true today, in the Coronavirus environment, as it was before, and it will be true in the future. C.A.R. Assistant General Counsel Neil Kalin provides the facts and legal advice you need to know to protect yourself. 

Attend this class to learn all about the C.A.R. Residential Purchase Agreement, and related addenda, and their impact on the parties and you.

Featured content includes:
• Accepting an offer
• Understanding agency relationships
• Use of buyer and seller counteroffers

• Differentiating between arbitration and mediation
• When to use the Requests for Repairs or the Amendment to Existing Agreement
• The contingency and removal process
• Writing offers without loan or appraisal or other contingencies
• How the sale or purchase of another property affects the primary contract
• The relevance of the C.A.R. Coronavirus library of forms
• Effective use of the many addenda and advisories referred to in the RPA
• Plus, your questions answered.

All registered participants will receive a digital
77 page PDF of the “course materials" which covers the RPA.

Friday, September 4th
8:30 am - 12:30 pm  |  Zoom Seminar

    Register PSAR             Register Eventbrite

$59.00 PSAR & NSDAR Members / $69.00 Non-Members

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth & development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County. Workshops are open to all REALTORS® and Affiliated Members.

Topics: Education

14 Specific Things to Do to Finish the Year Strong - Mike Ferry

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Jul 27, 2020 11:00:00 AM

Two lucky agents will each win a free ticket to Mike's Superstar Retreat!*Mike Ferry


Join us for this special presentation on August 20th with nationally known Mike Ferry, Global Leader In Real Estate Sales Training And Coaching, as he shares with you his insights on what you need to be doing to finish this year like a champion! 

Thursday, August 20th
1:00 - 2:00 pm  |  Zoom Conference


At the very end of this presentation, we will draw two names from the first 100 people who register for this event. Each winners will receive a free ticket to Mike Ferry’s Superstar Retreat!
On September 22nd, 23rd, and 24th.

Be sure to register early and get your name entered into the drawing!
*To win you must be in attendance in the zoom meeting when names are drawn.
Virtual Superstar Retreat 2020 - Mike Ferry

If you don't win the drawing you should still think about attending the Retreat.
No Travel, No Hotel, No Dressing-up

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth & development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County. Workshops are open to all REALTORS® and Affiliated Members. This class is free of charge.

Topics: Education

Live CRMLS Virtual classes that enable you to grow your business

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Jul 23, 2020 5:15:00 PM

CRMLS live classes

CRMLS has put together class rooms on zoom meeting to teach some of the free tools to which PSAR members have access.

August 13th | 10:00 am Be the master of your Paragon.  (Paragon Essentials)
Register Here Whether you are a new real estate professional, or getting back into the business, this course is a great place to start. In this course, you will learn:
• What’s on the Home Page
• How to set up your email signature, photos, and message
• How to create, save, print, and email basic property searches 
August 19th | 10:00 am Make a great first impression with your CMA (Cloud CMA)
Register Here Cloud CMA is an online comparative market analysis report generator. Generate comprehensive, informative, personalized, and eye-catching reports for your buyers and sellers. Cloud CMA includes four report sets, including a CMA, a buyer tour, a single property report, and a property flyer. Learn how to generate and navigate each of these reports in this class.
August 25th | 10:00 am Less time searching more time selling (Paragon Time Saving Tips)
Register Here In this course, you will learn how to perform time-saving search techniques to help target listings that fit your clients’ needs. Also, you will learn additional tips on other MLS products, including how to search listings using your mobile phone. Subjects include:
• Power Search
• Customize Quick & Detailed Search Templates
• Map Searching Techniques
• Search Remarks using key words
• Farming Foreclosures
• Homesnap Pro Mobile – Commute Time Search


Have Questions / Need help - Call: 619-421-7811

Workshops are open to all REALTORS and Affiliated Members regardless of association membership.
All classes are free of charge.


Our Mission is to empower Realtors to flourish while being accountable to each other,
our clients, and our community.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth & development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County. Workshops are open to all REALTORS® and Affiliated Members. This class is free of charge.

Topics: Education

Balancing your life with Anuschka - YPN WINE DOWN

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Jul 21, 2020 4:10:30 PM

The Key to a Healthy Lifestyle is balancing our Mind Body & SpiritBalance your Mind Body & Spirit with Anuschka

Friday | July 24th | 4:00 pm

        Join Us        

Anuschka A;bprzaom

Anuschka Alborzian is an Energy Healer, an Empowerment Health Coach, and an Inspirational Speaker who focuses on balancing the Mind, Body & Spirit for an ideal Healthy Lifestyle. Anuschka empowers and supports people to heal themselves by discovering their inner power, shifting their mindsets, and clearing the Energy that no longer serves them.


In August of 2017, her life changed drastically and she was reborn!


Anuschka is no stranger to overcoming challenging obstacles, including having had a Stage 4 avocado-sized Glioblastoma brain tumor and undergoing brain surgery to remove it all. Upon hearing the diagnosis and prognosis that disrupted her life as she knew it, she empowered herself with a new perspective on the healing and health paradigm, and shifted her mindset to align with her new perspective.


Anuschka's promise to those who work with her, who COMMIT to the WORK and to THEMSELVES, will have a TRUE ideal Healthy Lifestyle and Master Self-Healing for themselves. She is committed to making a difference one HUMAN Being at a time through Mind Body Spirit Healing.


“I believe LIFE is a Healing Journey and everyone has the possibility to

Live Life to the Fullest in the face of any circumstance!” - Anuschka

Thank You to our Wake-Up YPN Sponsor

aftermath extermination

and Thank You to our Annual Sponsors 

Rancho Ted       Guaranteed Rate      California Preferred Escrow

Topics: Education, YPN

Connect with Buyers and Sellers by expanding on Social Media

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Jul 16, 2020 3:00:00 PM

Tech Lunch and Learn Social Media

Social media is essential for your real estate business... Don't believe it check out the NAR Real Estate in a Digital Age Report.  Get some insight into how you can do a better job of reaching your target clients via social media.  Join the discussion with Guest Speaker: Andrea Martino.

Andrea Martino

  • Building your Brand Identity
    • What that means and what it looks like
    • How it helps build a foundation for content creation across social media platforms
    • How it helps us engage with our audience and potential clients in an authentic way

Mike White

  • Using Facebook Ads
    • Target demographics and users who have shown specific interest in buying property in your area
  • Q & A

Wednesday, July 29th
11:30 am  |  Zoom Class


________________________Qulity Leads Survey___________________

Our Mission is to empower Realtors to flourish while being accountable to
each other, our clients, and our community.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth & development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County. Workshops are open to all REALTORS® and Affiliated Members. This class is free of charge.

Topics: Education