Past leaders can teach us a great deal about handling adversity. Historians say that lessons learned by past leaders during tough times are often ignored or forgotten because people often view their current circumstances as different from those faced by people historically.
The truth is that for all that has changed throughout history, human nature remains remarkably the same . There are principles of individuals’ behavior that are constant over time, especially when facing hardship. It’s also true that well-timed motivational words of encouragement and inspiration can lift morale during such times of crisis.
In spirit, we reached out to past PSAR presidents from as long as 15 years ago for their “we-will-get-through-this-pandemic-together” thoughts.
So if you will take a few minutes and find a comfortable spot to read the following quotes, you may find that the words from these past leaders will resonate in this time of crisis and encourage you to believe that we will all not only make it through, we will have gained something from the experience.
-- Robert Calloway (2019)
“We will get through this tough time as we have done in the past. Continue to work with your past clients and update them on what’s happening in the real estate market. Also, please remain safe during the shelter in place, as there is no amount of money that can replace you or a loved one.”
-- Jan Farley (2018)
“We lived through the crisis of 2008. In every crisis and hardship, there is something good that comes out of it either by what we learn, or how we change the process, to make us better, smarter and stronger. That will absolutely be the case this time, too.”
-- Sarah Heck (2017)
“This too shall pass. This may be the catalyst for us as agents to find new ways to add value to our clients. Take this time to fine tune your processes, touch base with your sphere and practice self care. It can be easy to get swallowed up in the fear that comes from the valleys of a real estate career. Instead, focus on the peaks and how we are going to climb to the next one. I challenge you to look at this time as an opportunity to review and improve the foundation of your business so that you can grow stronger through today’s challenges.”
-- Anthony Andaya (2016)
“During uncertain times like these, some of the best things you can do are double down on your efforts to build relationships when folks are most receptive; triple down on your active listening and avoid sharing general opinions; quadruple down on your compassion and empathy for those you are speaking with. We are all in this together and together is the only way we will get through times like these. If you're going to quit on anything during these difficult times, then quit being lazy, quit making excuses, and quit waiting for the right time. Remember consistency is key in all you do especially in these trying times.”
-- Carey Guthrie (2015)
“I think it’s a terrific time for REALTORS® to shine. I manage about 200 agents and I immediately ordered gloves, booties and masks for agents. During this crisis, I see a variety of things happening. My advice: don’t fall out of a regular routine; play by the rules, be safe and keep your clients safe; what you do now will contribute to success now and referrals down the road; provide the correct forms and the latest information daily to whoever needs it; keep a positive attitude for all.”
-- Bob Olivieri (2014)
“Just like past challenges we have experienced in PSAR’s 92-year history, we will get through this. Not only will we survive, our industry is in a position to thrive when this is over. Those of us who continue to work and keep in close contact with our friends, clients and prospects will reap the tremendous benefits that will come when we reach the slowdown of this pandemic.”
-- Peter Mendiola (2012)
“Your response to the current crisis is very important. How you react to any adversity and your attitude towards it will dictate your level of success for the days, weeks, and even years ahead. Many people will see the situation we are in, as completely doom and gloom, with a tone that the world is ending. I believe this is a fantastic opportunity for real estate professionals everywhere to stick to the basics, reach-out to as many people as possible and ask people how they’re doing. I’m extremely fortunate to be surrounded by very smart, optimistic people.
This is an incredible opportunity for all of us to lay the groundwork for an incredible increase in our production now and especially when the crisis is over. Having a positive attitude will give you a head-start and get you further ahead than many people who are unfortunately in a fearful place, and who are putting their heads in the sand. It’s times like this that reshape our industry for the best and should remind everyone of the importance of being a professional well-informed Realtor. Stay positive and be a positive influence in peoples’ lives. Pick up your phone and start making phone calls!”
-- Nikki Coppa (2011)
“I have no doubt that REALTORS® can make it through this pandemic and come out stronger than before. Every transaction a REALTOR® goes through has crazy twists and turns and it is our job to figure out how to help our clients navigate each one. Although a pandemic is a new twist, every day I watch the resilient adapt, move forward and close sales. When stay-at-home orders are lifted, `home’ will have a deeper meaning for most. The agents that push themselves out of their comfort zones now and reach out to their friends, family, clients and neighbors repeatedly will likely enjoy substantial benefits once we are all on the streets again.”
-- Pat Russiano (2009)
“During my real estate career which spans nearly three decades, I’ve helped buyers and sellers navigate many up-and-down markets and trying times. Statistics label the ups-and-downs, but every market’s challenges must be met and can be met with continued belief in yourself and surrounding yourself with professional mentors and peers. This particular period in history, like all others, has very unique issues that require our problem-solving skills. When times seem toughest, it is not the time to withdraw. Engage with your industry leaders and you will realize there are resources and answers if you look and ask. It is just as important to engage and help where your talents can be used the most. The actual delivery of our services is requiring the most thought, the most care, the most caution. But we can do this. We are learning a lot and I’m certain the lessons learned will make us stronger for it. Focus on the problem to get your bearings. Then focus on the solution on how we can keep helping the families that we’ve always found ways to help using the safety protocols in all ways that this particular market requires.”
-- Barbara Brown Hahn (2008)
“Hang in there! Tough times teach you so much, lessons you’ll use throughout your careers. And they give you great stories to tell! Keep your sense of humor.”
-- Susan Olivier (2007)
“I know that we are all going through a tough time now. But we will make it through. Keep your eyes on what you do have, such as your own wellbeing, your family and friends, your fur babies, all you've accomplished. Take time to reflect on all the positives in your life and before you know it, this will pass.”
-- Mark Scott (2006)
“Now is a time that you can show your value by implementing best practice safety measures while still going to work every day. The great recession required a level of professionalism that until then was unprecedented in our lifetime. This is no different. Reach out to your friends, family and sphere of influence and you can come out of this stronger than when this pandemic started. Stay safe and go to work.”
-- Suzanne Yavorsky (2005)
“Tie a knot on the end of the rope and hang on for the ride as this too will pass. The sun will shine again and keep the faith.”
-- Isabel Hall (2002)
“I love real estate agents, because they are first and foremost optimists. That optimism in this time is essential. Through this challenge, make the most of your optimism. This situation is not going to last for years and years; it’s going to last for several months. And when those months have passed, the recovery will be amazing to watch. Meanwhile, exercise daily for endorphins, make the most of this time with your families, and stay safe so you can enjoy the incredible recovery.”