Here is the Board Slate of Nominees for 2025/2026

Posted by PSAR Communication on May 24, 2024 2:00:00 PM

The Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® Nominating Committee and the Board of Directors respectfully submit the following slate for the 2025/2026 Officers and Directors Annual Election. Elections will begin electronically on June 21st and run through the 28th.

Claudia Zaker

Secretary / Treasurer
Michael Dullea

Directors (Vote for 5 Two-Year Seats)
Mike Anderson
Robert Cromer
David Fletes
Valerie Gardner (Second Term)
Jose Payne King
Oscar Vega

Affiliate Director
Phana Par

Topics: Leadership

Good Neighbor Award Rafael Perez: Recognizing his Community Service and Housing Advocacy

Posted by Rick Griffin on May 8, 2024 12:23:58 PM

Rafael Perez

Congratulations to PSAR REALTOR® Rafael Perez, a recipient of a PSAR Good Neighbor award for the 2024 first quarter.

The PSAR Good Neighbor Awards highlight volunteer activities by individual PSAR members in the community

A PSAR REALTOR® of the Year award winner and longtime PSAR Board Member, Rafael has worked in real estate since graduating from San Diego State University in 2004. He has extensive experience as a realtor, mortgage banker, lender, and educator.

Throughout his career, he has served as a community volunteer in many different roles. He also has led previous PSAR advocate efforts on smart growth, fair housing, and housing supply solutions, including serving as chair of PSAR’s Government Affairs Committee-Central Area.

He was recently involved in PSAR’s flood relief grant efforts. PSAR and SDAR jointly received a $1.16 million grant from the Realtors Relief Foundation (RRF) to assist flood survivors. San Diego flood victims who suffered damage to their homes during the January 2024 storms are reminded to reach out to PSAR before the May 31 application deadline.

Currently, Rafael is serving as board chair of the Casita Coalition, a non-profit organization that advocates for more housing solutions, including ADUs and Missing-Middle housing. Casita Coalition educates industry and governmental officials on best practices and promotes increased homeownership opportunities.

Several years ago, Rafael was instrumental as PSAR’s lead in a two-year effort to help the City of San Diego draft a handbook for homeowners around new rules and regulations for ADUs (auxiliary dwelling units), also called “companion units” or “granny flats.” PSAR supports the rights of property owners to expand the use of their property as a way to address the region’s housing supply and affordability crisis.

Rafael’s participation in the City of San Diego’s ADU Coalition culminated with the city’s 2019 publication of the “Companion Unit Handbook,” a 38-page booklet that today serves as a helpful guide to homeowners seeking to construct a companion unit on their property.

“From the beginning, we brought a REALTORS® perspective to the table,” Rafael said. “At first, some of the people at the city had not considered how companion units could change how homebuyers view their future purchase or how existing homeowners could increase their equity. So, we were able to help shape the regulations to benefit the city and homeowners and buyers.”

Rafael has held the position of 2023 board chair of the Sherman Heights Community Center. The center’s diverse programming, ranging from support for senior citizens to youth activities and food security initiatives, has served as a hub for significant impact on the historic neighborhoods of Sherman Heights, Logan Heights, Grant Hill, and surrounding areas.

Notably, the Sherman Heights Community Center has gained recognition for its vibrant Día De Los Muertos events. Rafael is currently chairing the facility committee, which is overseeing fundraising for the construction of a solar energy project for the community center.

Additionally, Rafael dedicated four years to serving on the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) Fair Housing Policy Committee, a group that promotes fair housing and opposes segregation through redlining and other roadblocks, including exclusionary zoning. He was one of four realtors in the U.S. who were recognized in 2022 with an inaugural Fair Housing Champion award

2022 NAR Fair Housing Champion Award - Rafael Perez2022 NAR Fair Housing Champion Rafael Perez, shares his expertise during a panel discussion called “Building a Legacy: How Latino Families Can Secure Their Financial Future




He served as a Commissioner for the City of San Diego's Citizens’ Equal Opportunity Commission for nine years until 2022.

Following this, he was appointed to the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority Board in January 2023, where he is a Board Member for the Authority and serves as a representative (alternate) on the SANDAG Transportation Committee.

blog photo_Rafael PerezFurther showcasing his commitment to community well-being, he served as a board member of the United Lowrider Coalition. Rafael worked with the coalition and Assemblymember David Alvarez (D-80th District) on the passage of Assembly Bill 436, which removed the authorization for a local authority to adopt rules and regulations regarding cruising bans.

Rafael also has volunteered at Sherman Elementary, actively participating in the school site council, site governance team, and PTA. He played a role in the school's transition to a Community School when it was selected in San Diego Unified School District's second cohort of Community Schools in 2023.

Rafael also is serving as Secretary for the San Diego County Democratic Party.

“Our members are active and helping in the community, and they should be recognized for their efforts,” said Laurie, who is highlighting volunteer activities by PSAR members during her 2024 term as president. “I believe that realtors are one of the most likely professions to volunteer in their local communities.”

MacDonald, a La Mesa resident, is leading by example. She is currently in her third year serving as president of the La Mesa Park & Recreation Foundation, a nonprofit that raises funds to improve parklands and programs at parks in the city of La Mesa.

Nominees must be active licensed REALTOR® or Affiliate members in good standing with PSAR.

Nominees are judged on the level of personal commitment, especially volunteer (unpaid) hours. Monetary and other resource contributions are also considered.

Some portion of the nominee’s work must have taken place within 12 months prior to the nomination's rolling deadline of the last business day of each month.

If an individual within your company can be singled out as instrumental to the success of a group effort, then he or she is eligible. If the achievements of two people (such as a married couple or co-founders of an organization) cannot be separated, then they can enter as a pair and their entry will be considered as one.

Nominations for a quarterly PSAR Good Neighbor award should be submitted by emailing Sally Valdez, PSAR VP of Operations, at

Topics: Announcements, Leadership

Interested in Representing PSAR's Members in Leadership?

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Apr 5, 2024 2:14:07 PM

2025 PSAR and CAR Nomination

    Sign up, and be a part of PSAR’s Leadership by becoming an Officer or Director.

The Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® (PSAR) is seeking dedicated real estate professionals who have been active on a committee to step up and run for a position on the 2025/26 Board of Directors. Play a vital role in shaping the future of the association and the real estate industry in the region.

Why Get Involved? Contributing your time and leadership to PSAR is an incredible way to give back to the REALTOR® community that helps sustain your business. Have the opportunity to:

  • Influence important decisions that impact real estate professionals.
  • Stay ahead of the curve on legislative issues, new laws, and industry trends.
  • Expand your network by working alongside other high-caliber leaders.
  • Gain valuable experience in association governance and leadership.
  • Raise your profile and reputation among peers.

The deadline for Submission is Friday, April 26, 2024 (5 PM) for the following positions on the 2025 Board of Directors:

  • President-Elect
  • Secretary/Treasurer
  • Directors (5 positions)

Make your voice heard and help uphold the professional standards and ethical values that incentivize REALTORS® to remain in the business. Submit your nomination today!

Click on the link to access the nomination forms: 

2025/2026 Board and Officer Nomination Form

2025 CAR Director Application

2025 Affiliate Director Nomination


Topics: Leadership, Industry


Posted by Rick Griffin on Apr 3, 2024 9:00:00 AM

Charmaine Orcino-Gonzales

Meet REALTOR® Charmaine Orcino-Gonzales, who was recently elected to serve a two-year term (2024-2025) on the PSAR board of directors.

After a successful 19-year career in banking, Charmaine had a simple reason for switching to real estate in 2016.

“At first, it was a scary transition, but I was motivated to be more involved and make a bigger impact on other people’s lives,” she said. “What better way to do that than to help people with the biggest investment of their lives.”

Charmaine grew up in San Diego and graduated from Morse High School. “Right out of high school, I started working as a bank teller,” she said. “After moving up the ranks to management, I was promoted to sales development consultant with a territory that stretched from the border to La Jolla to Alpine.”

Charmaine said she joined PSAR at the start of her real estate sales career.

“I felt intimidated at my first rally-and-ride pitch session. I can be very shy in unfamiliar environments,” said Charmaine. “Fortunately, a friendly person approached me and welcomed me to PSAR. Later, we met for coffee and one month later he referred me to a client. I ended-up doing four deals with that same client, who later referred me to another four clients. It’s my fairytale, Cinderella story, all because of making just one connection at a PSAR pitch session.”

Charmaine said she became more involved with PSAR in 2019, starting with PSAR’s Young Professionals Network (YPN) group. First, she was a YPN Committee member, followed by Co-Vice Chair in 2020 and Chair in 2021.

She also has served with PSAR as the Chair of the planning committee for the R.E.A.L. (Real Estate Achievement and Leadership) awards celebration event the last two years.

A couple of years ago, she was approached about serving on the PSAR board of directors.

“I was tapped on the shoulder and encouraged to run for a board position, but I wasn’t ready at the time. The timing wasn’t right,” Charmaine said. “Last year, I was tapped on the shoulder again and decided to go for it. I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve on the board in 2024. I’m super excited.”

Today, the roles are reversed and she’s doing the “tapping on the shoulder,” encouraging PSAR members to get involved.

“There’s not a better way to get involved in supporting the industry than serving on a PSAR committee,” she said. “I’m always approaching our members and encouraging them to get involved. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about the nuts-and-bolts of our industry and develop a deeper connection to our careers, including supporting property rights and homeownership. And, you never know whom you will meet and how they can help you.”

Charmaine also says she appreciates the supportive culture and sense of community she feels as a member of PSAR and when she attends PSAR events.

“I would encourage all of our PSAR members, especially newer agents, to attend as many events as possible and get involved, the earlier the better,” she said. “The connections with peers and colleagues are so important in this business."

Charmaine said one of the reasons she chooses to be a member of PSAR is because it is member-driven and member-centric, supported by an incredible staff. “The PSAR staff backs-up what they say with their hard work. They really do care. They serve the members in the best ways and everyone succeeds. I will always stay loyal to PSAR.”

Topics: Announcements, Leadership


Posted by Rick Griffin on Mar 11, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Monica Greenwood

Meet REALTOR® Monica Greenwood, who was recently elected to serve a two-year term (2024-2025) on the PSAR board of directors.

Monica began her real estate career in 2005 with a mortgage loan company after earning her bachelor’s degree in business management from the University of Phoenix. She earned her real estate sales license in 2009, and her broker’s license in 2021. The Pacific Palisades native has lived in San Diego for the past 20 years. 

Monica speaks fluent French. She attended the Université Catholique de l’Ouest (UCO) in Angers, France, and College International de Cannes. She graduated with degrees in art history and language in 1987.

“I have French-speaking clients and I enjoy helping them,” Monica said. “Many of my family members live in Manchester, England, where I plan to visit this year.”

Monica said she was attracted to PSAR because of the excellent customer service. “Shortly after joining PSAR, I was so impressed with the ease of getting my questions answered. The office staff is so helpful. Also, I really enjoy the educational classes.”

Monica is a member of the Agent Leadership Council at the Keller Williams Realty San Diego East Foothills brokerage in El Cajon. She also is the brokerage’s risk management director and assists with agent education and training as chair of the Education Committee. She teaches weekly classes to agents, in addition to mentoring agents in the brokerage.

Monica has an in-depth knowledge of exactly what is involved in getting a real estate transaction closed. Her background in accounting and finance also helps her keep close attention to detail. 

“I’m serving on the PSAR board because I care about helping other agents and improving our industry for the benefit of homeowners. It’s part of my philosophy of life to do good in the world,” Monica said. “I always want to encourage homeownership for everyone and look out for the best interests of homeowners.”

She also has earned the highly-respected Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE) professional designation, which means Monica understands about alternatives available to homeowners facing financial hardship. CDPE holders have a thorough understanding of complex issues in today’s turbulent real estate industry and knowledge of foreclosure avoidance options available to homeowners. CDPEs can provide solutions, specifically on short sales, for homeowners facing market hardships.

“It’s important to me that I have completed comprehensive training so I can solve any foreclosure crisis one homeowner at a time,” said Monica. “Unfortunately, many homeowners often proceed through the financially and emotionally devastating prospect of foreclosure without any guidance. This is unnecessary because there are tools available to help homeowners find the best solutions for their unique situations.”

In recent years at PSAR, Monica is currently serving on the Grievance Committee. She also has been active with PSAR’s Young Professionals Network (YPN) group and enjoys going to these events. 

“It’s important for me to give back to our industry and make sure everyone has a voice, that’s why I ran for the board,” she said. “I always want to encourage our members to get involved, join a committee, and lend your voice. Your voice matters just like everybody else’s. There are many good committees that our PSAR members can join.”

She also has served as a board member and education director for the Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals (VAREP), San Diego chapter. VAREP’s mission is to increase sustainable homeownership, financial literacy education, and economic opportunity for the active-duty and veteran communities. The VAREP San Diego chapter was founded in July 2013.

In her spare time, Monica said enjoys playing golf, skiing, hiking, and boating.

“The next thing I want to try is pickle-ball,” she said. “It looks like a lot of fun.”

Topics: Announcements, Leadership


Posted by Rick Griffin on Mar 7, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Jim ODonnell

Meet REALTOR® Jim O’Donnell, who was recently elected to serve a two-year term (2024-2025) on the PSAR board of directors.

Real estate sales is a second career for Jim, a Long Island native. He previously spent 27 years working in the banking industry in New York and San Diego with Bank of America and J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. His jobs in banking included talent acquisition, recruiting military veterans, and various training and human resources assignments.

One of his favorite roles in banking consisted of creating homeownership opportunities for low-to-moderate-income families by serving as a program manager for a community revitalization program. The program featured the bank re-gifting foreclosed homes to nonprofit organizations. Then, the nonprofits would remodel the homes and keep the proceeds from the home sale.

“It was the best job in the bank to give away homes to nonprofits,” said Jim. “It was a win-win opportunity for all parties. Building community partnerships that transformed neighborhoods was just so incredibly rewarding.”

Jim left the banking industry in 2017 and started his full-time real estate sales career in August 2018. The Mount Helix resident has lived in San Diego County since 1996.

“I really love real estate because we’re helping everyday people with the biggest investment of their lives, matching the right buyer to the right seller,” said Jim. “Homeownership is an investment that will lead to preserving and growth wealth over generations.”

Jim is known by the vehicle he drives, a recognizable 1965 Volkswagen bus, sometimes called a “hippie bus” made popular during its heyday as a counterculture icon of the 1960s.

“I see people smile when they see me driving down the road,” said Jim. “Other drivers honk their horns and give me the peace sign.”

Jim, also continues to serve as a member of PSAR’s Government Affairs Committee and Grievance Committee.

“I like to be engaged in the conversation and have a seat at the table when it comes to advocacy, which is why I enjoyed Government Affairs,” said Jim. “Also, the Grievance Committee was a natural for me with my human resources background.”

Jim admires PSAR and appreciates the family's feelings at PSAR events.

“At every PSAR meeting, I notice a sense of community, open communication, a welcoming team spirit, and support for each other,” he said. “I’ve been around long enough to size up the culture of an organization because I’ve seen how a vibrant culture can make everyone more successful.”

One of Jim’s new roles at PSAR is co-hosting the PSAR East County Pitch, a weekly marketing pitch session held from 9 to 10 a.m. on Thursdays at the PSAR East County Event Center, 1150 Broadway, El Cajon. Laurie MacDonald, 2024 PSAR President, is the other co-host.  

“PSAR values its members, who, in turn, value their clients,” he said. “When you put your client’s best interests first, then your personal needs will be realized beyond your greatest expectations.”

Topics: Announcements, Leadership

Nominate Candidates for the 2023 REALTOR®, Service Awards

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Jan 5, 2024 4:10:08 PM

GoogleFormsBanner - ROY_Awards_2023

Call for Nominations!!!

Do you know a fantastic PSAR volunteer who deserves recognition? Now is the time to get them the recognition they deserve.

     Nomination Form     

Nominations must be received by Friday, February 2nd, 5:00 pm.

PSAR shall recognize a

REALTOR® Of the Year is recognized for outstanding loyalty and devotion to the advancement and success of the Association and the Real Estate Profession through volunteerism and advocacy.

Broker Of the Year is honored for their exceptional leadership in the brokerage industry, and devotion to the advancement of the Association and the Real Estate Profession.

Affiliate Of the Year is recognized for loyalty and devotion to the advancement of the Association and the Real Estate Profession through PSAR programming.

PSAR Friend of the Industry Award.  This award is given to a non-Realtor.  It could be an Affiliate, it could be an elected official, or another non-member.  This special award may or may not be given out every year.  This award is given to someone who has made considerable contributions in service to the industry over many years.
PSAR Distinguished Service Award. The ultimate recognition for the dedicated PSAR REALTOR® who has always set themselves apart as a leader. REALTORS® who receive the award have shown exceptionally meritorious service to PSAR for at least 10 years and have been recognized as local leaders whose performance and involvement in political, educational, and community activities have been extraordinary.  This award will not be granted yearly because the bar is set that high.
The Recognition Committee will accept all nominations from the public, PSAR Members, and or PSAR Staff. The names of individuals making nominations will remain confidential. The number of nominations shall not create an advantage for nominees.  Award winners may NOT be the sitting President of the Association and may NOT be past recipients of the specific award won.

The Recognition Committee will consist of The past recipients of REALTOR® of the Year, the Broker Manager of the Year and Affiliate of the Year, the Affiliate Director, members of the Association Council, the Chair of Professional Standards, and the Chair of the Grievance Committee. 

Save the date! Winners will be announced at the REAL Awards on March 1st, 2024 at the Sycuan Casino Resort. At least one runner-up will be announced.


Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS

PSAR's Mission is to empower Real Estate Professionals

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth, and development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County.

Topics: Announcements, Events, Leadership

PSAR Announces Its 2024/25 Board of Directors and Officers

Posted by PSAR Communication on Jun 30, 2023 6:59:19 PM

2024 President-Elect
Yvonne Cromer

Yvonne Cromer


2024 Secretary / Treasurer
Sam Calvano

Sam Calvano

2024/2025 Directors

Jim O'Donnell
Jim O'Donnell


Charmaine Orcino-GonzalesCharmaine Orcino-Gonzales


Norma ScantlinNorma Scantlin


Monica Greenwood
Monica Greenwood


Paula GonzalezPaula Gonzalez



Affiliate Director

Martha Garcia

The current Board of Directors and Officers will remain in their posts and continue to serve PSAR until December 31st, 2023.

Board of Directors (2024)

Laurie MacDonald, 2024 President

Yvonne Cromer, 2024 President-Elect

Sam Calvano, 2024 Secretary-Treasurer

Jason Lopez, Immediate Past President

Jim O'Donnell, 2024/2025 Director

Charmaine Orcino-Gonzales, 2024/2025 Director

Merrie Espina, 2023/2024 Director

Valerie Gardner, 2023/2024 Director

Paula Gonzalez, 2024/2025 Director

Monica Greenwood, 2024/2025 Director

Rafael Perez, 2023/2024 Director

Amy Ruiz, 2023/2024 Director

Norma Scantlin, 2024/2025 Director

Amber Tannehill, 2023/2024 Director

Martha Garcia, 2023/2024 Affiliate Director


PSAR's Mission is to empower Real Estate Professionals.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth, and development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County.

We remain thankful to those who were nominated to lead PSAR. We are looking forward to great things from both the elected candidates and those who will continue to serve in our committee leadership roster.

Topics: Leadership

Nominees for PSAR's 2024/2025 Board of Directors

Posted by PSAR Communication on Jun 9, 2023 9:45:00 AM

PSAR 2023 Elections

The Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® Nominating Committee and the Board of Directors respectfully submit the following nominees for the 2024/2025 Officers and Directors Annual Election.

Online Elections will begin Friday, June 23rd, and continue through Friday, June 30th, 2023.

Download the Bylaws here:

PSAR By-Laws


Candidates for PSAR President-Elect

Yvonne Cromer

Yvonne Cromer

Mike White

Mike White


Candidate for Secretary / Treasurer

Sam Calvano

Sam Calvano


Candidates for Director Pick Up to Five (5 Two-Year Seats)

Tristin Stokes
Tristin Stokes
Monica Greenwood
Monica Greenwood
Charmaine Orcino - Gonzales
Charmaine Orcino-Gonzalez
Paula Gonzalez
Paula Gonzalez

Jim Long
Jim Long

Norma Scantlin
Norma Scantlin
Jim O'Donnell
Jim O'Donnell
  Rebecca Pollack-Rude
Rebecca Pollack-Rude


Online Elections will begin Friday, June 23rd, and continue through Friday, June 30th, 2023.

Topics: Leadership

PSAR Celebrates Real Estate Achievements, Leadership (R.E.A.L.)

Posted by Rick Griffin on Mar 24, 2023 6:15:23 PM


It was a night of celebrating “Real Estate” professionals for their “Achievements” and “Leadership.” It was PSAR’s 2023 R.E.A.L. Awards Gala (R.E.A.L. is an acronym for Real Estate, Achievements, and Leadership). The R.E.A.L. Awards honored PSAR’s top-producing agents and brokers who achieved excellence based on units closed or volume production as compared to all other agents based out of San Diego County, according to 2022 CRMLS data.

The gala was held Friday, March 17 at Sycuan Casino and Resort’s Heritage Events Center. More thanLaure and Jason blog 450 PSAR members attended the event which featured cocktails, dinner, dancing, and the presentation of awards to individuals to recognize their industry leadership and success. 

2023 PSAR President Jason Lopez and 2024 PSAR President Laurie Ohnesorgen-MacDonald served as emcees. The national anthem was sung by Katriz Trinidad.

Richard D’Ascoli, PSAR CEO, outlined how this celebration event aligns with PSAR's Mission to Empower Real Estate Professionals, he also introduced elected officials in attendance and industry leaders.

Elected officials: Brian Jones, California State Senator; Jordan Marks, San Diego County Assessor-Recorder-County Clerk; Ditas Yamane, City Council Member, City of National City,

Industry Leaders: Chris Hasvold, board chair of California Regional Multiple Listing Service (CRMLS).

PSAR members serving as California Association of REALTORS® (C.A.R.) directors. They included Ditas Yamane, Max Zaker, Jason Lopez, Lupe Soto, Laurie Ohnesorgen-MacDonald, Yvonne Cromer, Nikki Coppa, Jeff Campbell, Jan Farley, and Robert Cromer.

PSAR member Anthony Andaya, serving as a director with the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR).

2023 PSAR board of directors: Max Zaker (Immediate Past President), 2023 PSAR President Jason Lopez, 2024 PSAR President Laurie Ohnesorgen-MacDonald, Sam Calvano (2023 secretary-treasurer), Anthony Andaya, Merrie Espina, Camille Bruno, Valerie Gardner, Paula Gonzalez, Dylan Graham, Amy Ruiz, Amber Tannehill, Rafael Perez, Norma Scantlin, and Martha Garcia.

Past PSAR presidents: Pat Russiano, Nikki Coppa, Peter Mendiola, Jeff Campbell, Bob Olivieri, Carey Guthrie, Jan Farley, Robert Cromer, Ditas Yamane, and Max Zaker.

Brian Jones and Max Zaker blogFollowing the introductions, Senator Brian Jones delivered the invocation and presented a proclamation to 2022 PSAR President Max Zaker.

Also recognized were contributors to the REALTOR® Action Fund (RAF). RAF advances the goals of the REALTOR® Party. It promotes and advocates for the rights and values of REALTORS®. Every dollar of this fund is used to protect the interests of REALTORS® in government.


Qualifications for a R.E.A.L. Award included the following categories (number of PSAR members who achieved the particular production levels appears in parenthesis):

-- Top 1%, at least 27 sides or $31,779,040 in volume (59); View recipients

-- Top 3%, at least 17 sides or $18,483,537 in volume (83); View recipients

-- Top 5%, at least 13 sides or $13,329,500 in volume (70); View recipients

-- Top 10%, at least 8 sides or $8,075,500 in volume (235). View recipients

All top achievers attending the REAL awards were recognized.
Last year's recipients of Affiliate, Broker/Office Managers, and REALTOR of the Year were called to the stage.  They included Andrea Martino, Mauricio Perez-Vazquez, Bob Olivieri, Jeff Campbell, Amber Tannehill and Charmaine Orcino-Gonzales.

Also at the gala, four PSAR members were presented with Professional of the Year awards. They included: Ditas Yamane, Broker of the Year; Steven Sladek, Realtor of the Year; Michelle Hickin, Affiliate of the Year; Nikki Coppa, Distinguished Realtor Award.


Special Awards blog

Nikki Coppa
Nikki Coppa
Distinguished Service Award

Ditas Yamane
Ditas Yamane
Broker of the Year

Michelle Hickin
Michelle Hickin
Affiliate of the Year

Steven Sladek
Steven Sladek
REALTOR of the Year

The R.E.A.L. Awards Committee included Charmaine Orcino-Gonzales, committee chair, as well as 2023 PSAR President Jason Lopez, 2024 PSAR President Laurie Ohnesorgen-MacDonald, Yvonne Cromer, Zoe Khetani, Martha Garcia, Amber Tannehill, Valerie Gardner, Vicki Lisama, Richard D’Ascoli, Sally Valdez and Kevin McElroy.

REAL Award Committee  blog 2
The major sponsors of the night included Caliber Home Loans, The Phana Par Group, and the California Regional Multiple Listing Service.

Additional sponsors included: Aftermath Exterminating - Gillz Building Services, Inc. - PSAR YPN - Preferred Inspections - Mac Printing - Big Block Realty - Property ID - South Shore Appraisals - Navy Federal Credit Union - SD Realty Gals - Sam Calvano Home Loans - NixTermite - Old Republic Home Protection - Gardner Insurance Services - San Diego Estates - RanchoTed Hard Money Lending - Edward Jones - Farmers Insurance - Metro South RE Producers - Morrison Inspections - Fidelity National Home Warranty - Ooh La Lash & Beaut - Insight Photos and Elizabeth Ireland Photography.

________ PHOTOS FROM THE 2023 EVENT ________

 Event Entry Photos             Event Photos     a

Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS



PSAR's mission is to empower Realtors.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth, and development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County.


Topics: Announcements, Events, Leadership