Posted by Kevin McElroy on Jan 22, 2024 8:15:00 AM

email-REAL Awards Awards Title Script with B&W in Black

​A night to celebrate REAL ESTATE professionals for their ACHIEVEMENTS
and LEADERSHIP, brought to you by the
Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS®.


REAL Awards Date Black

The 2024 REAL Awards Celebration will be held at:

Sycuan Casio Resort
Heritage Events Center
5469 Casino Way, El Cajon, CA 92019

● Black & White Cocktail Attire ●


We have...
REAL Awards Sponsorship Script

To Sponsor please make your selection from the file below and submit your payment information.
(The file is continually updated with availability)

(Earlybird specials available until February 2nd)

REAL Awards CITY Webblog-2

Check out Last Year's 2023 REAL Awards

Thank you to this Year's REAL Awards Sponsors

Title Sponsor
Phana Par Group

Major Sponsor


Happy Hour Sponsors

                         C21 Affiliated

Cigar Lounge Sponsor


Wine Sponsors

Gillz Building Services Inc
                Aftermath Exterminating Inc

Supporting Sponsors

             Guild Mortgage

Contributing Sponsors
Morrison Plus Property Inspections
          The Qwikfix        Liberty Driving & Traffic

 Valerie Gardner Insurance           Sam Calvano Home Loans             REAL Broker

Metro South San Diego Real Producers Magazine                               San Diego Realty Gals

Insight Photos               Elizabeth Ireland Photography


Topics: Announcements, Industry

Be a Resource with the Inside Scoop on the Chula Vista Bayfront

Posted by PSAR Communication on Oct 16, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Major Bayfront Development Update Coming Soon

  •  Russ Mitchell of Gaylord Pacific Resorts will cover the highly anticipated Chula Vista Bayfront Transformation project.
  • City of Chula Vista's Planning Manager and Zoning Administrator, Todd Phillips, will provide valuable insights into the Bayfront development and its potential benefits for the city.

The future is now for Chula Vista's 64 acres of scenic bayfront property. Major development is underway to repurpose that stretch of land for a world-class destination resort complete with convention space, shops, dining, and other commercial venues.

Mr. Mitchell will reveal new details on construction timelines, blueprints, and much more! While Mr. Phillips will share a comprehensive discussion on the development. 

Whether you’re a local business owner anticipating new opportunities, or a Chula Vista resident excited to get a glimpse into the evolution of your community and its bayfront district, you will not want to miss this unique event!

Join the PSAR Government Affairs Committee for this insightful presentation.

Register now to gain special insight into this historical South Bay development project!


Thursday | October 26th, 2023
9:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M.
Live in the South County Office
880 Canarios Ct., #100 Chula Vista, CA 91910

Hosted by:

Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS

PSAR's mission is to empower real estate professionals.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth & development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County.

Topics: Announcements, Leadership, Government Affairs

Chula Vista Forum on Tools to Improve California Housing

Posted by PSAR Communication on Aug 7, 2023 9:00:00 AM

Get the latest on State Bills that Impact Housing!Chula Vista Forum on Tools To Improve California Housing with Steve Padilla & David Alvarez

Senator Steve Padilla and Assemblymember David Alvarez will provide updates on state legislation that impacts housing.  

This is a FREE and exclusive forum for members of the Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce, South County Economic Development Council, and the Pacific Southwest Association of Realtors  

     Register Here     

Friday, August 25th
10:45 AM- 12:00 PM
South PSAR Office

  • AB 1287: Requires Density Bonuses for applicants who propose to develop low and moderate-income housing - For more information click here
  • AB 1449: CEQA Exemption for 100% Affordable Housing Projects - For more information click here
  • AB 91: Provides an exemption from non-resident tuition for a limited number of students - For more information click here
  • AB 1476: Allows the formation of a community and affordable housing reinvestment agency - For more information click here
  • SB 534: The Equitable Access to Job Opportunity Pilot Program click here
  • SB 751: Force Majeure click here
  • Tijuana River Valley & Cross Border Sewage Flows

This event will be moderated by Jim O’Callaghan, CEO of the South County Economic Development Council.


Chula Vista Forum on Tools To Improve California Housing with Steve Padilla & David Alvarez"
Senator Steve Padilla

Chula Vista Forum on Tools To Improve California Housing with Steve Padilla & David Alvarez"
Assemblymember David Alvarez

Hosted by:

Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce Soth County Economic Development Council Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS
Sponsored by:

BNixTermite         Rancho Ted Hard Money Lending

Republic Services 

PSAR's mission is to empower real estate professionals.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth & development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County.

Topics: Announcements, Leadership, Government Affairs

Annual Meeting, Member appreciation & Happy Hour!

Posted by Communications on Jun 16, 2023 11:14:20 AM

PSAR Appreciates its members! Member Happy Hour!

Friday, June 23rd,  3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
PSAR South Service Center

(FREE - PSAR members ONLY)

(If you have trouble with the RSVP call 619-421-7811)

Celebrate your PSAR membership - RSVP by June 22nd! Eat, drink, and connect with one another. Space is limited.


Networking, Refreshments: Hors D'oeuvre, Wine, and Beer Served

Association Update

Meet the 2024-2025 candidates for PSAR Board positions.

Discover the secrets of success from a panel of highly successful PSAR REALTORS®

in the current challenging market. The session will be facilitated by Steven Sladek, PSAR REALTOR® of the Year. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the best!

Expert Speaker Panel

Anthony Manzon, Lisa Ruiz, Lisa Miller-Carnation

Bonus!  Get a FREE professional headshot or new marketing photos from professional photographer Don Anderson.  Dress for success!


PSAR's mission is to empower real estate professionals.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth & development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego Count

Topics: Announcements, Events, Leadership, PSAR Benefits

Chula Vista Mayoral Debate

Posted by PSAR Communication on Aug 3, 2022 12:00:00 PM

Join Joe Little of NBC 7, San Diego, in person,
and explore the candidate's visions for the future.

Hosted by the Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce and the Pacific Southwest Association of Realtors

          Register Here          

Thursday, August 25th
6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Chula Vista Mayoral Candidates John McCann and Ammar Campa-Najjar's debate will focus on business, the local economy, the future of housing, and homeownership.
John McCannJohn McCann Ammar Campa-Najjar
Ammar Campa-Najjar

This event will be moderated by Joe Little of NBC 7 San Diego.

Joe Little of NBC San Diego

Joe Little

Members of the Chula Vista Chamber can send their recommendations for questions to be asked during the debate to PSAR Members can send recommendations to

Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce


PSAR's mission is to empower real estate professionals.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth & development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County.

Topics: Announcements, Leadership, Government Affairs

PSAR Virtual Property Pitch & Town Hall Meetings

Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on Apr 10, 2020 9:15:53 AM

San Diego Realtor Town Hall meeting hoste by PSAR

San Diego REALTOR® Town Hall meetings are
changing dates and times
to bring back our property Pitch Sessions.

City Pitch, Rally and Ride Too, and Rally & Ride have returned!  We’ve transformed each of these popular marketing venues to virtual formats. And each one will be enhanced by industry updates from PSAR's CEO.

Here’s the new virtual marketing meeting agenda:
     • Networking with the PSAR CEO: 8:45 am – 9:00 am
     • Brief hyper-local market update by our Realtor Facilitators*
     • Pitch properties and buyers’ needs.
     • Industry updates by PSAR's CEO and other industry experts.

When the COVID-19 crisis first hit, disrupting our lives and our businesses, PSAR moved quickly to organize Town Hall Meetings as platforms on which to inform our members of the massive changes that were taking place daily. 

In the weeks that followed, our industry has adjusted to a new normal.  Real Estate is deemed essential, but with that designation comes responsibility and concern for the welfare of all. Let's practice those traits by sharing available inventory and solving our listing challenges together with old friends and new.

To join the conversation and to add your property to the pitch click below! 

Join Pitch & Town Hall Virtual Meetings

Topics: Announcements, Brokers/Managers, Market Information, Industry

PSAR Virtual Town Hall Meetings

Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on Mar 30, 2020 4:06:56 PM

San Diego Realtor Town Hall meeting hoste by PSAR

Join the Conversation 
San Diego REALTOR® Town Hall meetings
and Property Pitch Sessions
Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
City Pitch, Rally and Ride Too, and Rally & Ride have returned!  We’ve transformed each of these popular marketing venues to virtual formats. And each one will be enhanced by industry updates from PSAR's CEO and industry leaders.
The meeting is conversational and participants are encouraged to ask questions by either chat or conversation.  Video is encouraged for  a two way  dialogue. 
Join the conversation! 
Register in advance for this meeting and future meetings. The same link will be used for subsequent meetings.

Register Here

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email
containing information about joining the meeting.

Other Resources

PSAR Open Services          COVID-19 Updates 
Virtual Classes and Meetings          Financial Resources  

Topics: Announcements, Brokers/Managers, Market Information, Industry

PSAR Virtual Town Hall Meetings

Posted by Richard D'Ascoli on Mar 23, 2020 1:32:50 PM

Town Hall meeting hoste by PSAR

Join the Conversation 
San Diego REALTOR® Town Hall meetings
and Property Pitch Sessions
Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

During each meeting, members will receive industry updates.  There may be guest speakers and experts followed by a particular topic.  Agenda's will be announced at the beginning of the meeting and attendees may drop from the call if particular topic are not valuable for the individual. 
City Pitch, Rally and Ride Too, and Rally & Ride have returned!  We’ve transformed each of these popular marketing venues to virtual formats. And each one will be enhanced by industry updates from PSAR's CEO and industry leaders
Join the conversation! 
Register in advance for this meeting and future meetings. The same link will be used for subsequent meetings.

Register Here

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email
containing information about joining the meeting.

Other Resources

PSAR Open Services          COVID-19 Updates 
Virtual Classes and Meetings          Financial Resources  

Topics: Announcements, Brokers/Managers, Market Information, Industry

PSAR Holiday Schedule

Posted by PSAR Communication on Dec 16, 2019 3:32:32 PM

Happy Holidays! PSAR Office Closed Dec. 24th & 25th Dec. 31st & Jan 1st Rally & Rides & City Pitch - Cancelled Dec. 24th-Jan 2nd Resuming on Jan 7th


Please email for help and we will get back to members after the holidays.

2020 Christmas Card_Page_1



Topics: Announcements