Kevin McElroy

Recent Posts

So. Cal. Real Estate Expo

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Sep 7, 2021 11:50:00 AM


One-day educational event for Real Estate Professionals

Wednesday, September 29th
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
One Day Virtual Event

Purchase your ticket today!
MUST Register by September 27th

    Register PSAR                        Register Eventbrite
                 $20 Members                        $20+eventbrite fee Non-members

** Once your register, your expo link will be emailed to you the day before the event.**

SoCalRExpo Conference & Tradeshow is a virtual one-day education and networking event for real estate professionals. You will not want to miss this event!! The list of speakers, speaks for itself!


  • Social Media - Steve Black (Senior Consultant/Speaker/Trainer)
  • 2022 Economic Forecast - Steven Thomas (Chief Economist)
  • Sit Down with Brad Inman (Journalist/Publisher)
  • Legal Update - Gov Hutchinson (C.A.R. Assistant General Counsel)
  • YPN Presents - Tesla, Tech and a Touch of TikTok
  • Final Keynote - Bill Dedman - (Pulitzer and Peabody award-winning investigative reporter, Newsday)

We have Affiliate Marketing Opportunities! Contact us to find out what they are
email: or phone: (619) 579-0333.


PSAR's Mission is to empower REALTORS®.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth and development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County.

Topics: Education, Events, Industry

PSAR Member's Invited to Mexican RE Conference

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Sep 3, 2021 2:59:03 PM

Real Estate Congress

50th International Real Estate Congress

Convention Center in Tampico Tamaulipas

October 27 to 29, 2021

AMPI Invites you to attend

The Asociación Mexicana de Profesionales Inmobiliarios is the largest and the most important real estate association in Mexico, representing about 5,000 members, involving residential and commercial real estate industries.

About 500 real estate professionals from all over Mexico and the world are expected to attend the 50th International Real Estate Congress RE Connecting. The conferences provide numerous learning resources and international networking in order to have commercial opportunities, designed to improve real estate professional skills. The Congress presents exhibitions that offer goods and services related to the real estate sector. Countless educational and social events are scheduled!



For more information:

Upon arrival in Tampico, a special biosafety committee will apply a rapid COVID detection test to each participant.  Throughout the congress, masks will be used and the areas will be sanitized periodically.  Temperature checks will be administered at the entrance to each area of the convention center.

If you want to become an international affiliate please fill out the forms in the links below...




PSAR's Mission is to empower REALTORS®.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth, and development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County.

Topics: Education

How to use 'Green Fields' in Paragon- and why you should!

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Aug 27, 2021 3:10:06 PM


Friday, September 10th
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm
This class is offered on Zoom

John Shipman from Franklin Energy and Rickey Currie from CRMLS discuss:

Why are Green Fields important for agents and their clients?
Are there pitfalls to be wary of when working with these fields?
What do the CRMLS fields mean?
How might buyers search for or discover these fields?

Bonus.  Attendees will learn how to earn a FREE NAR Green Designation!

Also, hear stories or anecdotes about the fields and how they helped or hurt?


PSAR's Mission is to empower Realtors to flourish while being accountable to
each other, our clients, and our community.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth and development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County. Workshops are open to all REALTORS® and Affiliated Members. This class is free of charge.

Topics: Education

Get More Listings Using CRS Prospecting & RPR Searches

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Aug 23, 2021 10:00:00 AM


Mike White, Chairman of the PSAR tech committee, will teach you how to use CRS and RPR to find potential clients and help you market.  Both CRS and RPR are free PSAR member product benefits.

Grow and brand your business, maximize your time, and gain a competitive edge in the marketplace. RPR® offers exclusive access to analytics and custom branded reporting tools that can be printed, emailed or texted from anywhere at anytime.

Gain comprehensive and accurate property intelligence at your fingertips with the CRS Data. The easy-to-use platform combines comprehensive and accurate community data to help you make confident decisions when helping your customers. 

Wednesday, August 25th
11:30 am  |  LIVE and ON ZOOM
Come to the class in our East office Location
(1150 Broadway, El Cajon, CA 92021)



CRS MLS Tax Suite                  Realtors Property Resource     


Our Mission is to empower Realtors to flourish while being accountable to
each other, our clients, and our community.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth & development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County. Workshops are open to all REALTORS® and Affiliated Members. This class is free of charge.

Topics: Education

ONLY Chance to learn about the "NEW" RPA From CAR at this low rate.

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Jul 28, 2021 4:45:00 PM

This will be your ONLY opportunity to learn about the NEW RPA from C.A.R. through PSAR
at the PSAR member rate of $40.

Your Guide to the "NEW" California RPA

When:  Friday, August 20th - 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Where: Online Zoom Event Only

Stay up-to-date with the most widely used and trusted purchase agreement in California. This course will cover the entire NEW California Residential Purchase Agreement (RPA) in detail step-by-step. Get detailed instructions on how to properly complete and use the RPA form in all your transactions directly from C.A.R. Member Legal Attorneys.

Neil Kalin, C.A.R. 's Assistant General Counsel, will teach this class.*

How you will benefit from taking the lecture course:

  • Get the “why” behind changes for a better understanding

  • Learn the new approach to addressing wood-destroying pests

  • Understand changes regarding how to deal with personal property items

  • Learn how to write offers without deposit checks

  • Familiarize yourself with dozens of other changes to the RPA contract

  • Complete all mandatory and recommended disclosures

  • Learn how to create, modify, cancel, or close a transaction

  • Ensure all commissions are paid in full and on time

  • An optional follow-up test will be provided at no additional cost for 4 hours of CE

  • Prior to the class, a comprehensive PDF handout will be provided for reference.

Registration - $40 PSAR NSDCR & ICAOR Members / $50 Non-Member

     PSAR Members               Eventbrite Registration

Eventbrite charges a transaction fee.  Avoid it by using the PSAR Member's Link.

Prior to the event, you will receive a link for Zoom and course material.

*Instructor Neil Kalin joined the California Association of REALTORS® in 1987 and is now Assistant General Counsel.  He is the senior legal advisor to C.A.R.’s Standard Forms Committee, and provides advice to C.A.R. members on the Legal Hotline, and writes many of C.A.R.’s Appellate Court Briefs.  Neil is an arbitrator for the American Arbitration Association (AAA) and has served as a Judge Pro Tem and a volunteer mediator and arbitrator for the Los Angeles County Superior Court.


      Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS                              Imperial County Association of REALTORS


Topics: Education, Events

Wake-Up YPN

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Jul 15, 2021 12:01:40 PM

Come start your day with YPN at their next FREE networking event!

Friday | July 23rd | 8:30am

374 East H St, Chula Vista, CA 91910

We want to hear from you - if you have experienced an unforgettable lesson during a transaction that every real estate professional should know, please let us know. We'd love for you to share your story with the group!  Send an email to If you don't have one, it's even MORE important to come to hear these stories and lessons.

      PLEASE RSVP         

Coffee & pastries will be provided while supplies last. Early arrival suggested. Bring a friend!


Thank you to our YPN Wake-Up Sponsor
Aftermath Extermination

Thank You to our Annual Platinum Sponsors
Rancho Ted           Synergy One Lending
California Preferred Escrow    

Topics: Education, YPN


Posted by Kevin McElroy on Jul 7, 2021 10:00:00 AM


Thursday, July 22nd
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
This will be held in our East County Service Center and on Zoom
Join us in-person at 1150 Broadway, El Cajon, CA 92021
Join Us in Person        Join Us on Zoom    

Want to know more about hard money lending? Ted Przybylek (RanchoTed) will touch on the following:

  • How loans are priced? 
  • How fast a deal can be closed?
  • What type of deals do we lend on?
  • How does a borrower qualify for a loan?
  • What are the typical loans to value ratios?
  • What are the terms of the loan?
  • Who actually lends the money?


PSAR's Mission is to empower Realtors to flourish while being accountable to
each other, our clients, and our community.

Since 1928, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has played a significant role in shaping the history, growth and development of the Real Estate industry in San Diego County. Workshops are open to all REALTORS® and Affiliated Members. This class is free of charge.

Topics: Education

Secrets to Creating Winning Videos

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Jun 21, 2021 11:00:00 AM

PSAR Tech lunch and learn

Mike White, Chairman of the PSAR tech committee will teach you the secrets to creating winning videos with your Camera or drone.

Virtual open houses using video from a laptop or cell phone are likely to become a standard real estate industry practice long after the COVID-19 pandemic subsides.

“As realtors, we need to become proficient with the technology so we can get the listing and better serve our clients. Homeowners are more likely to list with an agent who offers video marketing to help sell their home," Mike White.

Guest speaker, Steve Buice will feature two new apps that can benefit REALTORS® with producing virtual open houses. These apps are ideal for real estate agents, MLS postings and social media mass texting. 

Wednesday, June 30th
11:30 am - 12:30 am
Live from our East County Office and on Zoom
1150 Broadway, El Cajon, CA 92021

Join Us in Person            Join Us on Zoom

Questions? Call: 619-421-7811

Workshops are open to all REALTORS and Affiliated Members regardless of association membership.
All classes are free of charge.

Topics: Education

Annual Meeting-Open House-Lunch

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Jun 18, 2021 4:29:38 PM

PSAR is Open!  We invite you to join us for lunch at one of our
THREE Office Locations! 


Monday, June 28th at 12:00pm - 1:30pm

Central Office - 4340 Genesee Ave. #203, San Diego, CA 92117

South Office - 880 Canarios Ct. #100 Chula Vista, CA 91910

East Office - 1150 Broadway El Cajon, CA 92021

Can't Make it one of our offices? Join us on zoom
Please RSVP

Join Us in Person            Join Us on Zoom

  • We would like to Celebrate Our Members #MemberDriven.
  • Hear from C.A.R. President-Elect Otto Catrina
  • Network
  • Learn about the PSAR's Financial Health
  • Receive an update on that is going on as the state opens for business!
  • Meet your local Board of Directors Members
  • Learn about Committees
  • Can't make it to the office?  Log in on Zoom for updates by board members.

Join PSAR's Board of Directors and Executive Committee members. Members from both will be at the three offices. 

Thank you to our Lunch Sponsors:

   Andrea Martino                                   Bob Hillard

Venture Escrow                      Bob Hillard with Farmers Insurance       

Lauren Lopez / Peter Mendiola
Point Mortgage Corporation


20151031.psar.logo.415X250PSAR is a 501(c)6 nonprofit organization.
Our Mission is to Empower our Members. Tel: (619) 421-7811

Topics: Events

PSAR YPN's 1st In-Person Event: WE MISSED YOU TOO!

Posted by Kevin McElroy on Jun 15, 2021 8:33:35 AM

We are so excited to host our first in-person event!eventbrite_210617_YPN

It's been a long 16 months and we can't wait to see our old friends and colleagues, but more so looking forward to finally meeting our new ones that we've only had the chance to meet virtually. Join us for this FREE event! We're providing appetizers and great company!

If you register by noon the day of the event, you will automatically be entered into the opportunity drawing for a $50 GC provided by California Preferred Escrow

You'll also have the chance to meet our awesome sponsors and network with other real estate professionals.

See you there!

Thursday | June 17th | 5:30pm

Liberty Call Distilling Co,

1985 National Avenue, suite 1131,San Diego, CA 92113

       Register Here       

Register by 12:00pm the day of to be entered for a Door Prize 


Event Sponsored by

Thank You to our Annual Platinum Sponsors
Rancho Ted           Synergy One Lending
California Preferred Escrow    

Topics: Education, YPN